Sometimes we need a little BE B.O.SS.Y. help, inspiration, and guidance to find our way back to our emotional selves again.

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation is an awesome combination of two products, namely: The digitised course called UnMask Your Ego Versions, which helps you recognise and embrace your shadow self, and the Be B.O.SS.Y. content + hot-seats presented by Kim.E in live, online sessions.

Join Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation →
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 Sometimes we need a little BE B.O.SS.Y. help, inspiration, and guidance to find our way back to our emotional selves again.

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation is an awesome combination of two products, namely: The digitised course called UnMask Your Ego Versions, which helps you recognise and embrace your shadow self, and Be the B.O.SS.Y. content + hot-seats presented by Kim.E in live, online sessions.

Join Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation →

UnMask Your Ego Versions is digitised online education

This course is also part of Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation and is designed to help you understand the learned behaviours of your "un-evictable cohabitee" a.k.a. Ego, and become emotionally empowered from the inside out.







...and so much more

Your willingness to be vulnerable, your courage to remain open and expand your awareness, and most of all, your burning desire for personal change is what enables you to see yourself again and again as if for the very first time. 

Nothing can stop you

Except you!

UnMask Your Ego Versions is an intense course that dives deeply into numerous aspects of your ego existence, and unravels prevalent, emotional traumas and societal dilemmas.

With a myriad of diverse perspectives and self-guiding tools designed to help you help yourself, you are able to gain personal freedom through removing yourself as both the barrier and the obstacle in your own way. 

Because this work is yours to do, your success depends solely on your self-discipline, your perseverance, and the time and effort you choose to invest in yourself. In other words, besides the digital content, there ain't no Kim.E sweet-booty-kicking. You work alone!

Nope! 👇🏻 That's not what you will pay for Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation

We finally grow up

...when we stop searching for excuses

No! Personal growth ain't easy, otherwise everyone would be winging it! Most of us were never taught how to enhance our emotional skills, which has inadvertently affected every aspect of our lives, and sadly, not in a positive way. Things get really uncomfortable when we stop making bullshit excuses and start taking stock of our life with a serious and rather sober look at the personal reality we have created.

Perhaps the time is "Now!" to put our big-girl-panties on and take charge of our life and our future, ´cos no one is gonna do it for us. If we created the reality we don't want. then we can also create the abundant, full life we yearn for. 

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation presents simplified, scientific, philosophical, and biological aspects of our human nature in live sessions held by Kim. E.

Tangible, visual knowledge allows us to conceptualise our physicality, and better understand and embrace what we may consider to be physical, mental, and emotional weaknesses. We finally grasp both the biological and energetic aspects of being human. 

Solutions are always available

They either solve or complicate matters 

Personal growth is like searching for information on OpenAI - the output of information depends solely on the quality of the questions and the diversity of the perspectives we input. Instead of avoiding, controlling, judging, or ignoring emotional meltdowns, we surrender to them and discover our wilful fabrications, our beneficial superficiality, and our self-inflicted misery.

Instead of trying to squeeze the truth of our reality into a perspective we strongly prefer, deeply desire, or feel more comfortable with, we willingly expand our consciousness by courageously shifting into a vulnerable, emotional state that allows us to remain open for all perspectives.

We courageously breathe life into our authentic selves. We finally understand how to experience joyful bliss and embody our personal truth even when the world around us is in the throes of dysfunctional mayhem and emotional chaos. All these and more, are moments of self-actualisation, and THE "soul" mission of Kim.E and Be B.O.SS.Y. Live Education.


We finally grow up

...when we stop searching for excuses

No! Personal growth ain't easy, otherwise everyone would be winging it! Most of us were never taught how to enhance our emotional skills, which has inadvertently affected every aspect of our lives, and sadly, not in a positive way. Personal growth begins when you stop making bullshit excuses, and you start taking stock of your life with a serious and rather sober look at the personal reality YOU have created. Perhaps the time is "Now!" to put your big-girl-panties on and take charge of your life and your future, ´cos no one is gonna do it for you. If you created the reality you don't want. then you can also create the abundant, full life you yearn for

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation content presents simplified, scientific, philosophical, and biological aspects of our human nature. Tangible, visual knowledge allows us to conceptualise our physicality, and better understand and embrace what we may consider to be physical, mental, and emotional weaknesses. We finally grasp both the biological and energetic aspects of being human. 

Solutions are always available

They either solve or complicate matters 

Personal growth is like searching for information on OpenAI - the output of information depends solely on the quality of the questions and the diversity of the perspectives we input. Instead of avoiding, controlling, judging, or ignoring emotional meltdowns, we surrender to them and discover our wilful fabrications, our beneficial superficiality, and our self-inflicted misery.

Instead of trying to squeeze the truth of our reality into a perspective we strongly prefer, deeply desire, or feel more comfortable with, we willingly expand our consciousness by courageously shifting into a vulnerable, emotional state that allows us to remain open for all perspectives.

We courageously breathe life into our authentic selves. We finally understand how to experience joyful bliss and embody our personal truth even when the world around us is in the throes of dysfunctional mayhem and emotional chaos. All these and more, are moments of self-actualisation, and THE "soul" mission of Kim.E and Be B.O.SS.Y.


You're not as important as those you impact

Personal growth is THE BIGGEST deal ever, like ever, especially considering that every moment is a chance to live a full live without regret. Even more important than your personal growth or your full life is the impact you have on EVERYONE else around you. How you show up around people REALLY matters. You could be the difference that inspires, or the negativity that crushes.

We are always presented with opportunities to shift direction and positively impact our life and those around us, but our lazy, cheapskate, judgemental, know-it-all egos eagerly cling to old behavioural patterns, while dreaming of an absolutely glorious life filled with dizzy-love and loads of money. Sadly, that dream remains a dream and that life remains inaccessible. As Albert Einstein aptly said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." How about we remain sane by doing something completely different?

Check out Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation →

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation is a bloody awesome, affordable opportunity

For anyone who is willing to embark on the rather humbling journey of sobering up to the reality of the person they have become, and embodying the authentic version they innately are.

Yes! 👇🏻 That's ALL you will pay for Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation!
€33.33 per month
x 12 months

Now, that's a REALLY big deal!

→ UnMask Your Ego Versions

The digital content gives you the guided focus, the step-by-step structures, and numerous perspectives to help you help yourself from withinUpon purchase, you will receive 4 lessons from Module I, and after the 30-day money back guarantee period, 1 lesson every 2 weeks for 52 weeks.

→ Be B.O.SS.Y. Live Sessions & Hot-Seats

These are twice monthly calls that alternate with UnMask Your Ego Versions drip content. In 26 live sessions over a period of 52 weeks. the Be B.O.SS.Y. material will be presented by Kim.E, whose uncompromising straightforwardness, also known as Kim-Tensity, is intended to kick-your-sweet-booty into positive action - somewhat like holding your hand and gently slapping your wrist at the same time.

→ IsNotSo Community

The community provides the emotional safe space to be vulnerable with cheerleaders, empathisers, and like-minded individuals who are tired of their own ego bullshit.

→ Be B.O.SS.Y. 12-Month Subscription Plan

The affordable subscription plan literally wipes any money excuses right off the table, and is minimal in comparison to the pricelessness of becoming an uncompromising individual living a full life on your owns terms.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are dissatisfied, a refund within a 30-day period is guaranteed. Send proof of work to: [email protected] 

Oh yes! I am just so damn worth it →

 Hi, I'm Kim.E

There is so much I could be braggadocios about, BUT I choose not to. Just like everyone else, I am so much more than the fancy, not-so-fancy labels, the grand, not-so-grand achievements, or the awesome, not-so-awesome experiences that my person has been defined and judged by, or ridiculed, applauded, scorned, loved, and envied because of. I will not attempt to convince anyone of my value, worthiness, and expertise to appease their suspicious minds, nor to entice them to click the BUY button, nor to gain their avid support as a positive mouthpiece.

A large chunk of my lifetime has been spent helping unpopular, "broken", or socially unacceptable people whenever or however I could. You know, the good person doing good with good intentions because they want to save the "underdog" of humanity. Interactions with such people automatically mirrored numerous versions of my ego self. This ego exposure regularly brought me to my stubborn knees in absolute shame and self-loathing. More often than not, crippling emotions hurled me into "dark, f**king holes", yet to my absolute astonishment, every time I crawled out, I was stronger and clearer than ever before. 

This naturally led to me helping others do the same thing, which is not an endeavour that earns you the favourite-person-in-the-room status, especially considering that I'm the one who helps you rip off the bandaid even though you're flailing your arms in a self-inflicted state of victimhood consumed by anger and despair. Without the bandaid, you are able to see the wound, feel the pain, heal from within, and discover yourself in the process.

Without getting to the root cause of our emotional meltdowns, we will never completely embody the true essence of who we are, and we will fail to live the uncompromising life we always dreamt of. I obviously don't mind being the least favourite, otherwise I would have chosen to pussyfoot around people so as not to piss them off too much. Albeit, I rather be liked, loved, respected, or admired for WHO I AM, and not for WHO I AM NOT.


Hi, I'm Kim.E

There is so much I could be braggadocios about, BUT I choose not to. Just like everyone else, I am so much more than the fancy, not-so-fancy labels, the grand, not-so-grand achievements, or the awesome, not-so-awesome experiences that my person has been defined and judged by, or ridiculed, applauded, scorned, loved and envied because of. I will not attempt to convince anyone of my value, worthiness, and expertise to appease their suspicious minds, nor to entice them to click the BUY button, nor to gain their avid support as a positive mouthpiece.

A large chunk of my lifetime has been spent helping unpopular, "broken", or socially unacceptable people whenever or however I could. You know, the good person doing good with good intentions because they want to save the "underdog" of humanity. Interactions with such people automatically mirrored numerous versions of my ego self. This ego exposure regularly brought me to my stubborn knees in absolute shame and self-loathing. More often than not, crippling emotions hurled me into "dark, f**king holes", yet to my absolute astonishment, every time I crawled out, I was stronger and clearer than ever before. 

This naturally led to me helping others do the same thing, which is not an endeavour that earns you the favourite-person-in-the-room status, especially considering that I'm the one who helps you rip off the bandaid even though you're flailing your arms in a self-inflicted state of victimhood consumed by anger and despair. Without the bandaid, you are able to see the wound, feel the pain, heal from within, and discover yourself in the process.

Without getting to the root cause of our emotional meltdowns, we will never completely embody the true essence of who we are, and we will fail to live the uncompromising life we always dreamt of. I obviously don't mind being the least favourite, otherwise I would have chosen to pussyfoot around people so as not to piss them off too much. Albeit, I rather be liked, loved, respected, or admired for WHO I AM, and not for WHO I AM NOT.