Seriously! I have no idea whetherĀ my products will help you move the needle in your life. What I do know is that you get in life exactly what it is you give based on who you are at the time.

Gladly! What I choose to give you are other perspectives and the processes to help you go inward and access the personal information your emotions withhold.

Obviously!Ā It is when we find structure and meaning in the emotional chaos we are enveloped by, that we discover the lesson in our pain and our authentic selves (super-heroines)Ā finally haveĀ permission to emerge.

Products withĀ aĀ PRICE TAG
DIGITISED ContentĀ + LIVEĀ Sessions
FREE Content



Seriously! I have no idea whetherĀ my products will help you move the needle in your life. What I do know is that you get in life exactly what it is you give based on who you are at the time.

Gladly! What I choose to give you are other perspectives and the processes to help you go inward and access the personal information your emotions withhold.

Obviously!Ā It is when we find structure and meaning in the emotional chaos we are enveloped by, that we discover the lesson in our pain and our authentic selves (super-heroines) finally have permission to emerge.




Emotional Evolution

Discover yourself and your Ego versions in your day-to-day conflicts and emotional meltdowns. Understand and enhance your emotional intelligences by gaining a profound understanding of your negative emotions and re-active patterns. BE empowered by who and what disturbs you.

Unravel your social, emotional, and cultural conditioning. Gain a better understanding of why you are trying to be who you are not. BE(come) who you essentially are by recognising who everyone else prefers you to be. Courageously embody your authentic Self, who is eager to live an uncompromising life on your terms.



Be B.O.SS.Y.

Ā Self-Actualisation

Be B.O.SS.Y. Self-Actualisation is an affordable opportunity that literally ticks off all the boxes. The combination of two programs which includes: UnMask Your Ego Versions drip content with 1 lesson every 2 weeks, which alternates with the Be B.O.SS.Y. content that is presented live in 26 recorded sessions. This means that you receive new content, either digitised or live, every week for a whole year.Ā 

The best part is the 12-month subscription model that makes personal transformation affordable for anyone willing to embark on the rather humbling journey of sobering up to the reality of the person they have become in the life they personally created, and embodying the authentic version they innately are.Ā 



Be B.O.SS.Y.Ā One-on-One or Small Groups

Perhaps you have a small group of people you wish to empower, be it friends, family, community members, a work team, or a bunch of youths who need special, small-group attention, or perhaps you wish to connect to your emotional self and understand your re-actions better.

Either way, Be B.O.SS.Y. Small Groups offers live sessions for a maximum of eight people. This gives you or your group the flexibility to enjoy exclusive attention. Discover yourself in one-on-one sessions or one another in the group dynamic with seven other people of your choice.

After an introduction call and with mutual agreement, sessions will begin once the full pre-payment has been made.



Hot Mess to Invincible

Ā UnderstandĀ Your Negative Emotions

Perhaps you're struggling with your own emotions or the annoying egos of others. Maybe you are tired of hoping that people, your current circumstances, or world events will change, because your happiness still depends on everything and everyone else. Perhaps you find it challenging to detach yourself from experiences that trigger you emotionally and are out of your control.

Hot Mess to Invincible is a FREE Mini-Course that will help you recognise your ego re-actions whenever you find yourself in challenging situations with difficult people. Learn how you can feel empowered and not overpowered by what disturbs you. In other words, learn how to get out of your own way.




Make Big Goals Bite-Sized

When you imagine doing something big or you dream of having a specific way of life, then that already exists. All you need to do is take the necessary action-steps to enhance your emotional skills so that your vision, dream, or goal can be physically embodied and experienced.

Bodacious Plan is a guideline designed to help you create and also reach your big, personal or business goals with small, incremental, yet absolutely doable steps.

The 103-page Bodacious Plan is yours for FREE. You don't need to wait for New Year's Eve to determine what those big goals are - you can plan a year, a month, a week, or even a day at any time. Make your world a better place. Make a Bodacious Plan!



Be B.O.SS.Y. LiveĀ 

Get Your Emotional Toolkit

Join the FREE live with 23-year expert student who was taught by the world's best teachers, namely +700 children aged between 4 months and 23 years. Master emotional intelligence by moving towards and not away from disturbing factors and individuals in your day-to-day life.Ā 

You don't need an expensive therapist, nor do you need the perfect strategies other people swear by that never work for you. ONLY YOU have the solutions to any problems you experience.

You are perfectly equipped with all the answers you need, just that no one ever taught you how to find them. Discover yourself within all the adversity you face daily.