Economic Colonialism - Capitalism of Toxic Consumerism

controversial economy historical political world affairs
Economic Colonialism - The Capitalism of Toxic Consumerism

Kim.E discusses the capitalisation of consumerism, an extremely successful marketing strategy designed to influence all consumer behaviours and decisions. Mega corporations and their shareholders earn massive profits on the toxic, unhealthy products they produce that cause diseases, obesity, and mental and physical ailments, and then earn massive profits on providing the so-called solutions. Kim.E discusses the responsibility corporatocracy and its shareholders have in the exploitation, manipulation, disease, poverty, and human suffering that plagues our world today.

When we step back and take an sober look at our world, there is very little that we, the collective, can be proud of, especially considering that each one of us is an integral part of everything that exists, which therefore makes us complicit in ALL that exists, including the dirty deeds, the tragedies, the exploitation, the manipulation, and all the bribery and the corruption that prevails, and this regardless of whether our complicity is through personal intent, ignorance or escapism.  

Yep, that is quite a contentious statement to make, which I am sure many of you will promptly reject with a: “What the fuck do I have to do with all that?”. Ok, granted, perhaps you wouldn´t use the “F” word, but I am pretty sure you would reject the notion that you have any form of responsibility in the negative realities that plague our world, like ocean and waterways pollution, toxicity in plastics, weather modification programs and chemtrails. Well you do! Sadly, most of us are not too perturbed about the them over there in that country and what they are doing because we have enough crap to deal with in our own lives. We don't realise how important the them over there is, and the relevance the them and the there have in our reality right here and now. We can only join the dots in the aftermath. 

The decisions we personally make and the manner in which we show up not only impact everyone else around us, but also the global collective. The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon is a great example of this even though emotionally disconnected people, especially scientists, only believe a theory that can be proven, and promptly class everything else as mythical and implausible, especially collective consciousness, a social concept that is non-physical and supernatural in nature. 

What is the Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon? In the 1950s, Japanese primatologists were studying a group of macaque monkeys, and observed that when a female monkey named Imo, washed sweet potatoes in a stream before eating them, monkeys in her group began to do the same, and at a certain point - known as the so-called hundredth monkey - macaque monkeys on completely separate islands carried out the same behaviours.  

Yes, just like all mammals, human beings are connected on an emotional level, as well as on a consciousness or intelligence level, which is also known as collective consciousness. I believe that collective consciousness is the Divine Intelligence that connects all human beings on a soul level, and expresses itself through emotions (frequencies) and intuitive impulses. We tap into Divine Consciousness when we connect to the emotional aspects of our experiences, and make intuitively inspired decisions instead of the externally programmed mental decisions that are designed to control, limit, and restrain us.

The problems we face nowadays are world problems that may have reached our doorstep to one degree or another, but always existed even though our experience of them may have been limited. When we expand our consciousness, in other words, when WE become more intelligent and more aware of everything happening in our world, we gain a broader perspective of the entanglement of everything, and as a consequence, we have different thoughts and make conscientious decisions in our everyday life that will not only impact those around us, but the collective consciousness as a whole. Allow me to expand your consciousness and enhance your intelligence on topics you may consider to be boring or irrelevant to the person you are today and where you are at in life. 

The pollution of our oceans is an avoidable tragedy carried out by ships that willingly dump their trash even though it is illegal to do so. 80% of marine pollution consists of plastics. Plastics contain toxic chemicals, like phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury, styrene and vinyl chloride, which cause cancer, disrupt endocrine levels that affect hormone levels, mimic oestrogen that cause reproductive problems, and interfere with physical development. Well, that’s not so bad, especially if you’re doing your damndest to sicken and depopulate the world and make shitloads of money while you’re at it.  

Although it is common knowledge that plastics are extremely unhealthy for the human body and have detrimental affects on marine life, massive corporations still manufacture plastics ad nauseam and without too much liability, mainly because the litigation against the plastic industry is still in its evolution stages, and of course, the industry is extremely powerful. Such corporations continue to earn billions in revenue, for example, ExxonMobil, the largest plastics manufacturer only earned a whopping $47.5 billion in 2023.

Large manufacturers are also known to discharge pollutants into national waterways and consequently contaminate environments and affect the health of locals. One of many such corporations is Formosa Plastics based in Texas, which was taken to court by Texan residents who won a settlement of $50 million. 

There are also class action lawsuits against Philips North America concerning its Philip Avent products, Handi-Craft and it´s Dr Brown´s products, and Newell Brands, a German company that produces NUK products. The lawsuit is predicated on the harmful microplastics released when baby bottles are heated. Such lawsuits seldom interfere with business-and-profit-as-usual, especially considering that class action lawsuits can take between 9 months and 2 years to be resolved.  

Besides that, the fine and settlements that have to be paid are often nothing more than a nuisance for such companies, who earn millions, if not billions of dollars in annual revenue. Such companies then change their advertising and use BPA FREE slogans even though other chemicals, like BPS (Bisphenol S) and BPF (Bisphenol F), are often used as substitutes, and also have serious affects on human health and physical development. The best alternative would be to use 100% food-grade silicone products instead.

What I find fascinating is that most of us are quite aware of the hazardous implications plastics have on our health and the environment, regardless of whether they are heated or not, yet such companies are able to continue with business as usual, which says a lot that isn't good about our political system, the judiciary system, and all the environment and health organisations that are meant to control such companies and their products. Besides that, anyone who believes that our governments rule the world are extremely naive. Whomever controls the money holds ALL the power, and in today's world, that would be the mega corporations and the bankers. 

Plastic manufacturers, like all monopolised industries, are part of mega corporations that have corrupted our judiciary and political systems, and have infiltrated all the organisations designed to control them through using legalised blackmail commonly known as lobbying, and a revolving door policy that has many corrupted, bought-and-paid-for, high-level officials fill corporate positions once their political career has ended.

But, my greatest fascination is that billions of people, whose health and that of their children is at risk, are the ignorant consumers who provide the billions in revenue that such corporations make year-in-and-out. If we all stopped buying plastics, those corporations would shut down rather quickly, and we wouldn´t have to hope that our incapable politicians and ineffective organisations will sort everything out for us sometime soon, because they won't, especially considering that many politicians and individuals in such organisations also earn shareholder profit from the revenue those corporations make. 

Not all is lost though, because WE, the common people, also have immense power. To a certain degree, we also control money, namely ours, and if we made wise decisions about where to leave that money, we would be the radical change-makers in the world, not so? How much do you spend on groceries every month? How many of the products you purchase are unhealthy? How much do you know about the products you purchase, their contents, their additives, and their health risks? Even though there would be healthier alternatives that would require life style changes, most people consume processed foods that cause diseases like cancer, obesity, and many other ailments, perhaps not immediately, but certainly years down the line. Then we wonder why old-age people are sickly and disease ridden? Well, you are also that old person in the future. Make informed consumer decisions and impact your health in your old age today already.

Mega corporations want to control and commercialise EVERYTHING including our weather and our air. The very air we breathe is deliberately contaminated with industrial pollutants, geo-engineering technologies and weather modification programs that are controlled by federal agencies, government agencies like the CIA and NASA, and organisations like the UN World Meteorological Organisation, who collaborate with numerous universities like Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Stanford, and many companies like SPICE and SCoPEx. One such weather modification program, Cloud seeding, seems to be the current, trending weather topic.


According to the North American Weather Modification Council: Cloud seeding is a form of weather modification that is a safe, scientific, time-tested, and proven set of technologies used to enhance rain and snow, reduce hail damage, and alleviate fog. When words like safe, scientific, tested or proven are being used by government organisations or corporations, I smell bullshit. Remember the Covidiocy era where slogans like Trust the Science and Safe and Effective were part of massive advertising campaigns that led to millions of acquiescent victims lifting their sleeves to be injected with toxic, untested jabs? Well, the science obviously wasn’t to be trusted, neither were any of the vaccines safe and effective, but who cares, that’s a topic from yesteryear that no one wants to talk about. 

Back to cloud-seeding. This is done by releasing a solution with silver iodide through flares mounted to aircraft wings. Silver iodide is toxic in high concentrations, but because small amounts are apparently used in cloud seeding, its considered to be generally healthy. Interesting that this type of weather manipulation, sorry, modification, is being normalised on mainstream media nowadays even though it has been used and tested since 1946, all without our knowledge of course, yet chemtrails is still a taboo topic. I am definitely sceptical, especially considering that cloud seeding is already raking in millions as more and more companies jump on the band wagon. Fuck that! Keep your dirty, greedy fingers away from our air and our weather.   

Ever heard of Operation Popeye allegedly sponsored by Henry Kissinger and the CIA? Between 1967 and 1972, the US Military carried out a chemical weather modification program during the Vietnam War to extend the monsoon season in specific areas. Do you really think that our governments and organisations have stopped such programs? Nope! All very secretive of course, but that’s where I have another problem. How can anything that involves our livelihood and impacts our well-being in any way be kept secretive, or remain undisclosed and confidential? What is being kept from us and why? If everything secretive was for the betterment of all, there would be more transparency, don´t you think? Whenever something is labelled as conspiracy theory or secretive, be it a government intelligence agency or a secret society, there is some bad shit going on that ain’t gonna make the masses happy.  

Chemtrails most likely ranks as THE conspiracy theory of the century, although it certainly comes in close tie with Covid19 during 2020 and 2021. The number of fact checks and scientific articles attempting to debunk both conspiracy theories is unbelievable, which is all the validation I need that there is a whole lot more truth in both conspiracies than the governing and corporate bodies would like us to know. When one searches “stratospheric aerosol injection” instead of chemtrails on Google, one gets a lot of information that is now becoming mainstream. Okay, so “stratospheric aerosol injection” sounds so posh and scientific compared to chemtrails, even though they are the same geo-engineering that has manipulated our weather secretly for decades. Fact is, that our weather patterns are deliberately interfered with on a daily basis through chemtrail emissions, cloud seeding programs, and other technologies that are deliberately used by the very organisations we trust. My opinion is that there is nothing random about freak storms, flash floods, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Weapons of mass destruction, like HAARP, are strategically and secretly used to leverage, influence, exploit or enforce some hidden agenda.  

While talking about weather modification programs, we cannot forget the evergreen climate change topics that are regurgitated en masse whenever political elections are going to take place. There is nothing more important to us human beings than talking about the planet and how we should save it. The answer to climate change is planting trees, billions of them, and ensuring that our governments, organisations and corporations have those trees watered. But that does not seem to be a political policy. Instead, climate change policies seem to be the false promises and political propaganda with a narrative created to lure the masses into accepting and normalising specific concepts that enable such programs, like cloud seeing to be commercialised, or allow weather modification practices to be standardised, or whatever else the industries wish to introduce. 

Climate change is the perfect political endorsement and distraction for naive voters and the ignorant, yet passionate protesters, who fail to demand transparency concerning secret weather modifications programs like chemtrails and cloud seeding, and the detrimental affects such programs have on the stratosphere, our ecosystems and our health. There are many more technologies being used that we have yet to learn about. Look up dammit, and do your research on the chemtrails conspiracy, on stratospheric aerosol injection, weather modification programs, and HAARP, while bearing in mind that lot of credible information will not be found at the top of Google Search, nor can mainstream science be trusted, nor any government backed institutions. Such is the sad reality in  2024.

When we take a look at the current climate change protests, they all have to do with our incapable, untrustworthy government bodies, and the interference of powerful lobbying groups and massive corporations that earn massively from all the industries that negatively affect the climate, the environment, and human health, especially the fossil fuel industry. When did such massive corporations gain such immense power and begin their domination of the world, especially considering that most of what they produce negatively affects our well-being?

Well, to answer that question, it is important to bear in mind that most of the multinational corporations that manufacture goods derived from fossil fuels originated in the USA from the 1900s onwards, and experienced massive expansion during and after WWII. Ok, well how was this expansion possible? The United States of America emerged as the leading economic power after WWI. During WWII, the USA experienced an economic boom and became the "Arsenal of Democracy”, producing vast amounts of weapons, supplies, and goods for itself and its allies. The USA played an incremental role in both World War I and World War II even though it never experienced combat on its own home territory. The USA significantly impacted the outcomes of both world wars, which resulted in the USA becoming the economic, political, and military superpower of the world. The Marshall Plan was the gateway to this superpower.  

With the Marshall Plan (1948-1952), the USA provided Europe with significant financial aid in the form of $13 billion, which is equivalent to $100 billion today. This "altruistic" gesture was tied to U.S.-made products, and effectively opened the European markets to U.S. exports and American consumerism, while ensuring that European countries aligned with American interests. Money was not given directly to participating countries to buy whatever they needed. Instead, the U.S. delivered goods and provided services, and the governments sold these commodities to businesses and individuals who paid for the dollar equivalent in their local currency. 

This structure allowed the U.S. to exert significant economic and political pressure on countries receiving aid, especially those whose policies or actions conflicted with U.S. interests. The Marshall plan “encouraged” European countries to adopt free-market reforms that favoured capitalism and open markets, and pushed for trade liberalisation policies that favoured American companies and locked Europe into a global, capitalist system dominated by U.S. financial and trade institutions. Countries indebted to America through loans, had to comply with economic reforms that favoured free-market capitalism, often at the expense of more protectionist or socialist policies that may not have been in the national interest. 

The list above shows multinational U.S. based companies that experienced massive booms post WWII, and began their contamination of the world and its people with their toxic products derived from fossil fuels. Most people are unaware that pharmaceutical products, like antibiotics and pain relievers, have fossil fuel-based chemicals in them, as well as cosmetic products from massive brands, like Revlon and L’Oréal. Thankfully, we are not powerless to the manipulation, toxicity, contamination, and exploitation of massive multi-national companies, because we are the consumers of such products. We can say No!

We cannot, of course, forget other famous brands that are part of the Toxic American Pandemic that has overpowered and sickened the West and much of the world since WWII, namely: Mc Donald’s, which was founded in 1955 and is now in 40.000 locations worldwide with a global turnover of $23.18 billion. Burger King was founded in 1954 and has a global turnover of $6.5 billion. Coca Cola was already founded in 1892, but experienced major post-WWII expansion, along with Pepsi Cola that was founded in 1898. Coca Cola reported a revenue of $43 billion in 2022, and Pepsi Cola earned $83.39 billion, although I might add that Pepsi Cola is more diversified with brands like Tropicana, Quaker Oats and Gatorade.

And so the "Wealthy West" was created with Economic Colonialism and Neocolonialism, an exploitative, capitalist venture that is ardently practiced by deceptive corporations and their political cronies in all resource rich countries around the world. Their immoral behaviours exhibit typical Western characteristics, such as greed, exploitation, manipulation, white supremacy, dehumanisation, discrimination, and the absence of integrity. They fallaciously fly the Humanitarian, Democracy, and Modernisation flags to deceive the masses and maximise shareholder profits.

The playbook is quite simple. Governments are overthrown. Wars, revolutions and military conflicts are instigated, initiated and financed. Terrorist jihadist groups are funded and trained to intensify national disputes, and divide and displace citizens. The Military Industrial Complex provides the arms and ammunition for both sides of all military conflicts, and makes astronomical profits in the process. Corrupt leaders and governments supportive of and loyal to USA´s policies are sanctioned by the West to govern. Then the World Bank and the IMF swoop in like true saviours to provide the loans that will stabilise and rebuild struggling nations all in the name of true democracy, of course. Their corporate cronies provide the goods and services that have been authorised and sanctioned by the corrupt politicians. With the help of their banker friends, these unethical corporations control the governments and the economy, abuse the manpower, and exploit the natural resources to further enrich the so-called civilised, wealthy West.

Yes, many unethical companies, agencies, institutions and organisations, as well government offices may wish to remain secretive and shield the world from the truth of their wheelings and dealings, but none of them can exist without the millions of employees who keep the wheels turning. I wonder they will find their whistles and blow them for the world to hear? Either they fear drastic consequences, or they care more about their well-paid jobs than the well-being of humanity and the planet, or perhaps they are just self-centred cowards without strong human values. I really dunno!

And yes, I know that ocean pollution, polluted waterways, chemtrails, weather modification programs, climate change issues and the toxic products we choose to consume can bring out a yawn or two, and are definitely not entertaining, and way too serious. Yet, the blatant truth remains: The onus is on you, yes you, to make changes starting with enhancing your intelligence by gathering diverse information on each of the topics. Researching weather modification and conspiracies like chemtrails, will expand your knowledge and lead to you questioning everything that is politically, commercially, and scientifically sold to you, because, none of it is to be blindly trusted. Researching the petrochemical and fossil fuel industries will help you make better consumer choices, which will lead to you and your family becoming healthier and happier human beings. The massive conglomerates with toxic products will lose money, market monopolisation, and global dominance, which will make way for healthier alternatives.

What I find baffling though, is that most people, including you, think that such issues don´t concern them and that there is nothing to be done. How wrong you are? It is common knowledge that those who monopolise a market own the money and therefore have the power, but NEVER forget, that YOU are also extremely powerful because YOU have the money to give away. If you make healthier lifestyle choices, such toxic companies cannot exist. Get your sweet booty into gear and start making positive changes in your own life. The massive changes we yearn for in the world start one person at a time. This video is my contribution to that change. What is yours? 


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E -


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


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Economic Colonialism - Capitalism of Toxic Consumerism


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