The Illusion of Democracy - A Personal Reflection

controversial historical political quotation marks

Kim.E discusses the significant impact that a small minority of political and corporate leaders have on the lives of over 8 billion people. She reflects on her disillusionment with political figures, whom she describes as self-serving and corrupt. Drawing on her experiences as a 'white' South African during Apartheid and her travels to other countries, Kim.E argues that political governance is marred by corruption and a focus on power and wealth rather than the well-being of the populace. Kim.E critiques the global economic system, which her believes benefits the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the general population.

Self-Serving and Corrupt Governance and Politics

"The livelihood & well-being of over 8 billion people depends on the morality & integrity of a small minority of individuals."

- Kim.E -

Governance and politics have always been a fascinating topic for me. Since the age of eighteen, the first and second-last time I ever voted, I have never understood how we could trust or vote for a political party and their representative propped up on a massive billboard during a political campaign dressed in the perfect suit with the perfect smile and the perfect slogans. Political figures seldom felt like “good” dudes to me. I was well aware that my vote would contribute to them being responsible for the well-being of my life and those of others, and I was unwilling to grant them that power just for the sake of voting to maintain “democracy”, which is the biggest lie we have been fed.

As a “white” South African who grew up in the Apartheid era, it was obvious that the political dudes and their political parties were not doing a very good job at all, and hadn’t done so for decades. In 1984, they only cared about the well-being and prosperity of the minority white population of 4.5-5 million people, and tolerated, suppressed and terrorised the black population of 24-26 million. Then my travels began and I experienced life in numerous other countries. Nothing seemed different elsewhere, although granted, Western countries were better off, not because they were more cultured or better, but because they were the colonisers and neo-colonisers who earned astronomically off the economic enslavement and poverty of Africa. Politics and governance was and still is, the same manipulative strategy all around the world.

A small minority of mostly corrupt individuals more concerned about their status, their power and the wealth of all concerned, especially their corporate cronies, spend most of their time fighting to maintain their power and keep their political seat. They are hardly concerned about the well-being of all their citizens. They say just enough or do just enough to keep the masses distracted, subservient, powerless, and enslaved to an economic model that feeds the whole fucking, corrupt, financial system that is beneficial to them and their corporate buddies, and thrives on debt, especially ours. If our governments, our government agencies, our political leaders, our corporate leaders, etc. cared a lot more about all their citizens and a lot less about satisfying corporate profits and increasing their own wealth, our world would paint a very different picture, don´t ya think?


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E -


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


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The Illusion of Democracy - A Personal Reflection

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