Lens of Perception - Shaping Our Personal Reality

personal growth quotation marks

Kim.E explores the concept that personal perception shapes individual reality and questions why people don’t challenge their own perceptions, especially if they are unhappy with their current reality. She discusses how perception is unique to each individual and is influenced by past physical and emotional experiences. She highlights the consequences of narrow-mindedness, and suggests that diverse experiences promote personal growth and emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to think outside their usual boundaries and appreciate different perspectives.

“If we are what we perceive, and if what we perceive creates our personal reality, and if our personal reality is not one we wish to experience any longer, then why don't we question our perception of everything we perceive?”

- Kim.E - 

The Power of Perception - Diverse Experiences Mould Our Reality

“If we are what we perceive, and if what we perceive creates our personal reality, and if our personal reality is not one we wish to experience any longer, then why don't we question our perception of everything we perceive?”

Personal perception is a fascinating topic especially because, just like a fingerprint, it is so unique to each person. No person can perceive one thing in the same way as anyone else, yet to be socially correct, we are expected to be the same, behave in the same way, and think within the lines just like everyone else. To me, perception is a personal truth that is the result of all past physical and emotional experiences. How I perceive one thing is how I perceive everything, which largely depends on how many diverse experiences I have had in my lifetime. 

Narrow-mindedness is a real thing and the outcome of limited experiences, which will inevitably lead to limited perspectives. Narrow-minded people tend to shout the loudest, criticise the most, and spend a lot of time trying to prove they are right. Only diverse experiences allow us to personally evolve and become emotionally intelligent. In so doing, we begin to think outside of the box we chose to dwell in, and become eager to learn the perspectives of others, which in turn enhances our conscious intelligence.


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing & Editing | Recording & Editing: Kim.E - IsNotSo.com


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.



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