The Masks We Wear - Identity, Morality, and Society
Kim.E explores how political and religious identities contribute to societal division and moral hypocrisy. She critiques those who cling to these identities, often displaying intolerance and judgment while hiding behind superficial appearances and false promises. Kim.E reflects on the negative behaviours of self-proclaimed religious individuals, who fail to embody genuine human values. She emphasises the importance of self-reflection, understanding, and the need for individuals to adopt strong, humane values as a path to meaningful change in the world.
Besides political identity, which generally consists of a two-party system, that through its existence automatically divides the population politically and ideologically, there is also religion and the religious identity people cling to that further divides the population morally and through the idolatry they practice.
Religion gives people who tick all the boxes access to a community, or is the reason for rejection and discrimination from a community. Why do most religious people hate, despise, or dislike most religious people? Isn´t it fascinating that those people who strongly cling to their racial, political and/or religious identities, are often not the nicest of people, and tend to be the bigots, the hypocrites, and the discriminators, who hide behind their false morals, their superiority, and their victimisation while sanctioning wars, death, or destruction all in the name of their God, their religious rights, or their morals. I have found it fascinating to experience the true nature of self-proclaimed religious people who practice their religion religiously, only to reveal their hypocrisy, judgement, and discrimination behind closed doors. Over time, their behaviour is what turned me away from and not towards religion even though I was surrounded by it.
Those they perceive as leaders are often not good people either, but they do portray the perfect, well-dressed, heterosexual image of a person who worked themselves up the corporate ladder to earn the wealth they accumulated, with a long marriage to a devoted person, and the happy family portrait with a couple of decent, well-behaved kids. Theirs is an image the masses, who desperately cling to racial, religious, political and status-driven identities, perceive as true leaders, especially when they say what they wish to hear with the perfectly-scripted false promises they never intend to keep. Fit the image and you’re good to go even if the person you really are in private sucks. Oh, how superficial and deluded we have all become.
If we don´t like where the world is going, we had better start becoming good-hearted, fearless people with strong values and a great love for all of humanity. Will humanity finally wake up, grow up, change and evolve emotionally? I really dunno! The change in the world begins with every single one of us. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Or you can take the lion out of the wilderness, but not the wilderness out of the lion. But we can start by taking a damn good look at the reflection in the mirror. Or by changing how we perceive the world by learning about what’s really happening in the world. Or by gaining awareness around what you judge and why. Or by questioning who gave you the right to be judge and juror, or superior in any which way? Why type of person have you become?
Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.
Kim.E xx
Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E -
This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.
Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.
Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.