Religious Propagation - Endorsement for Human Suffering

controversial genocide historical political propaganda religion world affairs

Kim.E shares her change in perspective regarding Israel and its policies, and criticises Israeli military actions, political leadership, and effective use of propaganda that obscures the atrocities committed against Palestinians. She draws parallels with historical examples of propaganda from Nazi Germany and during the Apartheid era in South Africa. Kim.E questions the global emphasis on the Jewish Holocaust over other genocides and addresses the role of major powers and religious ideologies in perpetuating conflicts. She calls for introspection from Jewish communities and advocates for the recognition of Palestinian rights, urging individuals to support humanity and promote peace.

Exposing Propaganda and Seeking Justice - A Call for Humanity and Peace

Although I am neither Jewish nor religious, I have been to Israel many times, and have fond memories of the people and the amazing places I visited. Before October the 7th, I had no idea what was really going on in Israel because I was also a product of the powerful Israeli propaganda machine. I believed in the "Poor Jews" Narrative that spoke of a persecuted people who deserved their own land and were doing their best to defend themselves from the enemies and terrorists within their borders, and those they were surrounded by. Thanks to honest journalism on alternative platforms, my perspective has drastically changed. 

Dear Israelis, are you aware of the atrocities, the war crimes, the torture tactics, and the terrorist acts committed by your highly honoured army, by your political leaders, by your settlers, and by your powerful allies? If you are unaware, I find blissful ignorance to be a lame excuse nowadays when considering the free access we all have to unfiltered information. Far more disturbing for me would be if you are aware and still choose to support what your leaders and allies do? Anyone with a human heart that beats for humanity can only be horrified by the reality of the Gaza genocide. Or are you so indoctrinated by your superior race theory, or the religion you practice that has you believe you are THE chosen ones, which gives your leaders and military the right to incarcerate, murder, starve, torture, and displace gentiles, destroy their livelihoods, annihilate their homes, and settle on their land?

  As a white South African brought up during the Apartheid era, I definitely understand the power of propaganda and its effectiveness in the de-humanisation and discrimination of a people. More relevant and relatable would be what we all experienced only a few years ago. The power of the global, mainstream, propaganda machine, that spewed its evil during the Covid era, and managed within a rather short period of time, to have the masses willingly discriminate against those who chose their health over untested, toxic jabs. The polarisation was very real, so was the trauma and rejection suffered by the Unvaxxed, who experienced extensive, intense, and blatant discrimination. I advocated for my health and my right to say "No!", and experienced the prejudice and bigotry exercised by those I called friends and ordinary people surrounding me. How could peace-loving human beings turn into fear-driven discriminators filled with anger and hate in such a short amount of time? Powerful, extensive, consistent propaganda, of course.

The world also understands how propaganda was strategically used to influence the decisions of the self-proclaimed superior people of Nazi Germany. Through his use of propaganda, Josef Goebbels transformed and programmed a whole German nation with Nazi ideology. Propaganda is so powerful because there is an element of truth in it. The rest is just a big, fabricated lie.

The following is accredited to Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda during the the German Third Reich under Adolf Hitler: “If you tell a lie big enough, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

That pretty much explains the world we live in today, not so? It's also quite obvious why the US Congress and President Biden, all of whom are bought and paid for by pro-Israeli lobbyists, passed a bill to ban TikTok in the USA unless it is sold later this year. There is just too much truth coming out that can no longer be controlled and suppressed, a truth that is the mortal enemy of the powers at large. All the evil, the lies, the corruption, and the manipulation is being revealed, and everyone who is or was complicit is being exposed. The Truth Train cannot be stopped. A big yeah to that! Back to the Nazis!

Through the Nazi propaganda machinery, Hitler became the celebrated psychopathic hero who would make Germany great again, a Germany that would consist of glorified members of the mythical Aryan race which excluded Jews, black people, Roma or gypsies, homosexuals, and the mentally and physically disabled. To create a greater Germany with the master Aryan race, all non-Aryans had to be eliminated or displaced. 

We have heard time and time again about the 6 Million Jews that were murdered. Yes, we have also heard that the number wasn’t actually 6 million, but only 4.5 million, but let´s not squabble over what truth is and isn´t, because who the fuck knows. We have visited the concentration camps and we have felt the unimaginable suffering and de-humanisation the Jews must have experienced. We have read the books. We have watched the movies and the videos. We have sympathised with the sacrifice of their lives. We have felt ashamed that humanity could allow such atrocities to happen to any humans. We swore: Never again! Hot damn, your Holocaust history even made it into our South African history books, Dear Jewish People.

The whole world knows about the Jewish Holocaust, but does the world know that 11 million other peoples were also victims of the second world war and the Nazi regime? Why is there seldom, if ever a mention of them? Where are their memorials? Why aren’t their deaths honoured in our history books? Why is the world only aware of the Jewish Holocaust, but totally oblivious to all the others that happened in the past and continue to happen to this day?

Does the world know that approximately 231 million people have been killed through "politically caused" deaths alone in the 20th century. Why don't we hear about those deaths or the psychopathic and greedy nature of the political leaders who were and still are responsible for those deaths? No, I am not talking about the radical left or right wing groups, the terrorists, or the rogue individuals our leaders love to use as a scapegoat, while failing to mention their role in training and funding them, I am talking about the power players who produce the arms designed to kill and maim people, and then earn astronomically from funding both sides of the war.

By the way, didn't Israel fund Hamas, the same terrorist group they blame for their "mowing the Palestinian lawn" tactic they use as self-defence? The deception is astounding! Besides the fame and power our politicians and leaders love to bask in, they also lavishly enjoy the shareholder profit they earn from the global war machine the Military Industrial Complex keeps churning. Their willingness to use money earned from the blood of innocence puts them in the same bucket as the blue collared psychopaths who design to kill for a living. Our leaders, as well as the United Nations and its agencies, care very little about humanity, even though they love to preach about the protection and defence of innocent human beings, but then again, we are yet to meet a politician or renowned leader who blurts out the blatant truth and not some scripted narrative that serves a power-grab initiative with an economical advantage?

I went on a tangent. Let's get back to the point. Dear Jewish People, over the last 70+ years, it seems obvious that your holocaust has taken precedence over all other global genocides, and is internationally honoured while the genocides of millions of other civilians worldwide go largely unnoticed. That gives the false impression that only the Poor Jews have suffered and continue to suffer to this day. I wonder if that is a very successful Pro-Jewish, Pro-Israeli propaganda tactic used to justify Israeli and Jewish actions, so as to gain the unequivocal support and endorsement of the global masses who believe that the Poor Jews have suffered so much and deserve to have their own land and a self-proclaimed right to self-defence, which has been successfully used to mask their acts of terror? Is that why it is so easy to shut down any Jewish or Israeli critique through labelling someone antisemite or a Jew-Hater? 

My oh my, it is unbelievable how negatively charged the word antisemite is, even though semite describes a group of people who spoke Semitic languages such as the Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians, including Amhara, Tigrayans and Armaean tribes. In 1881, the German word "antisemitismus" was first used by Wilhelm Marr, who was a radical, German nationalist, and race agitator who founded the Antisemiten-Liga in 1879. Now in 2024, antisemite is the trending slander word, which has taken over conspiracy theorist, the slander trend from 2020.  

Dear Jewish People, perhaps the propagation of your holocaust is also the perfect tactic used to divert attention away from the actions and decisions of all the Israeli and Jewish allies, especially the USA and its western counterparts, who are complicit in another Big Lie, the Corporate Colonialist Project, whereby countries are economically occupied and their peoples and resources exploited. This is done by using economic hitmen, assassinations, the funding and training of terrorist groups through secret intelligence agencies, colour revolutions, the overthrow of governments, and the placement of corrupt leaders in political positions who then do the bidding of their corrupt Western puppet masters. Ukraine is a perfect example of this. These corrupt leaders then lead the country onto a path of poverty and economic destabilisation so that they remain indebted to the Western banks and corporations, who continue to abuse and exploit all for the sake of shareholder profit.

Or perhaps, Dear Jewish People, you find it really difficult to process the trauma of the Holocaust and the victimisation and persecution your people suffered over centuries, because nurturing a constant state of victimhood with past historical events is very much a part of being Jewish, not so? Somewhat like the Catholic religion, which normally has a huge crucifix of the half-naked, white Jesus nailed to the cross behind the altar for all to observe and never to forget that Jesus died for our sins. Imagine the pain, the shame, the guilt and the trauma a person, especially a young child, must experience when confronted with such a brutal image on a regular basis. In my opinion, there are far more enlightening ways to learn from his crucifixion, just as there are better ways for Jews to learn and evolve from the Holocaust and persecution of their people.

I personally believe that any form of victimhood is a self-inflicted, emotional state based on past events that a person does not wish to let go of. Victimised people immerse themselves into past events they may or may not have personally experienced. They then regurgitate the painful emotions and relive the trauma to ensure that they never forget. Great if they choose to never forget, but a person in a state of victimhood disregards the role they played, and is therefore always innocent and always the victim, which means that there must be a perpetrator. Victims cannot own the personal responsibility of their self-inflicted pain, nor can they acknowledge their unwillingness to learn from past experiences and move on. Instead, they shift all the blame for their emotional state and suffering onto their perceived perpertrators to justify that pain. They become self-righteous, self-absorbed, and blind to the negative impact their victim state has on others.  

The victimhood experienced by staunch Catholics would be rather similar, except that Catholics blame themselves for all the pain and suffering Jesus experienced through being crucified. The image of his crucifixion is a brutal reminder of the sinner they are and the personal responsibility they have in the pain and suffering Jesus experienced, which hurls them into an emotional state of remorse and sadness. Because the suffering Jesus experienced can never be erased, Catholics are never good enough, worthy enough, or faithful enough, which also blinds them and negatively affects those around them. 

Can it be, Dear Israeli People, that the victimhood you suffer has made you blind to the Holocaust and genocide of Palestinians that 79% of you apparently support in your own country? Or perhaps, deep down you know, just like the white South Africans did during the Apartheid era, that the inequality, the displacement, the ethnic cleansing, the torture, the maiming, and the discrimination against the Palestinian people is what gave you the Right of Return, and is what gave you the home and the comfortable life you enjoy? Is your ignorance and arrogance because of the fear you have of your future should Palestinians be given equal rights? Or is it because of your unwillingness to change anything in your life? Or perhaps you have a fear of being forced to return to the country you came from and were born in? Or is it because you know, that as a self-proclaimed Jewish nation, you have no right to be where you are or do what you have done and continue to do to non-Jews, who have more rights to that land than you do?

Or are you really so indoctrinated with the Jewish Only State ideology propagated by your psychopathic leaders that is based on the ancient scriptures you worship that proclaim you to be the chosen people who have the right to return to their chosen land? If so, how can you claim such superiority over all peoples based on ancient writings that were translated, interpreted, and written by man? Strange isn't it, how religious people seem to have a problem with non-religious people and with other religions and their people. 

Dear Jewish People, I don't believe that non-religious people have anything against you, the nationality you have, or the religion you choose to practice. It is how you treat, judge, discriminate against, and insult non-Jews, the gentiles or goyim, as you like to call them, that has definitely made a negative impression on most people. Why is the hatred you proudly spew justified because Jews are Holocaust victims? Over the last months, the world has experienced the insults, the bigotry, the hypocrisy, the mistreatment, the self-righteousness, the defiance, the arrogance, and the hatred expressed by proud Jewish leaders. It is very difficult to support such people, regardless of their religion, don´t you think?

Dear Religious People, perhaps you would like to reflect on your Ten Commandments and end your hypocritical ways, especially with regards to the following: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not kill. You shall not lie. Perhaps your first step to becoming a good religious person could be to publicly support the freedom of all Palestinians. It is also time for religion to vanish from the political landscape. Continue to worship your scriptures and your Gods. Practice your religions in the privacy of your own homes or within your own communities and amongst your own people, and leave the rest of the world out of it. The world doesn’t need religion, powerful ideologies, nor any religious, self-absorbed, self-righteous, political and corporate leaders over-powering the world stage, who use religion and false values as a tool of manipulation to amass great power and financial control. The world has seen more than enough massacres of innocent human beings in the name of religion, don´t you think? 

It is time, to evolve and become peace loving, pro-human beings who embrace all nations, all ethnicities, all religions, all cultures, and choose to stand on equal footing with all people regardless of their skin colour, their sexual preference, or manner of dress. That is only possible one person at a time, so let's start with YOU, yes YOU. What is your excuse for not supporting the freedom of Palestine and the freedom of humanity? 


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing & Editing | Recording & Editing: Kim.E -  


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


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