Superfluous Governance - Strategy to Divide and Control

controversial economy genocide historical political propaganda world affairs
Superfluous Governance - Strategy to Divide and Control

Kim.E discusses the deplorable human suffering and the unjustifiable deaths of millions of people resulting from the economic exploitation and military conflicts created by Western governance for the sole purpose of gaining and maintaining global power and economic dominance, all in the name of "democracy" and Western "values", of course. She criticises the decisions made by those in corporate and political governance that are designed to enrich and empower the capitalists of the world, but do not serve humanity nor their well-being. Kim.E believes that politics and governance as we know it today, cannot continue to exist, and that human beings are extremely capable of governing themselves. 

Haiti, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Ukraine, Syria, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Xinjiang, Myanmar, Palestine and the Democratic Republic of Congo are all experiencing human atrocities due to genocides, military conflicts, political conflicts with severe human rights abuses, and the displacement and starvation of millions of civilians.

Yes, the USA Presidential Elections and national elections in numerous countries are important events that skilfully and strategically keep us distracted from the other realities of the world. Realities with human atrocities that shouldn't exist and wouldn't exist if the world woke up out of their mainstream media stupor, and the projected illusion they dwell in to realise the complicity of the trusted leaders, politicians, multinational corporations and institutions in all the poverty, the displacement, the killing, and the suffering that plagues the world today. Allow me to give you a short overview of the atrocities in the countries I mentioned.

Haiti is experiencing severe violence and instability with significant human casualties caused by armed gangs that control the capital Port-Au-Prince and other areas. These gangs terrorise residents through kidnappings, killings and sexual violence. 2.500 people have been killed, 200.000 people have been displaced, and 5 million Haitians are facing hunger.

In Niger, conflicts with bandit groups, the Islamist militant organisation, Boko Haram, and ISWAP, the Islamic State West Africa Province have contributed to the deaths of several thousand civilians through acts of terrorism and military violence, and the displacement of over 300.000 civilians.

The Malian civil war has led to thousands of civilian deaths and the displacement of over 400.000 people through conflict with Tuareg fighters, the Malian government and jihadist insurgencies. The northern region of Mali, known as Azawad, has a long history of marginalisation and tension between the Malian government and the Tuareg, which is a nomadic Berber group. The situation in northern Mali took a drastic turn when Islamist militant groups joined the conflict and Mali became the centre for extremist violence.

Burkina Faso is grappling with a significant insurgency from ISIS and al-Qaeda-affiliated groups, that control large parts of the country. Extremist violence, including attacks on civilians and military personnel, has surged in recent years. The violence has displaced over 2 million people and has caused a severe humanitarian crisis. Like Niger and Mali, Burkina Faso is showing increasing anti-French and anti-Western sentiment, with the junta welcoming Russian assistance, including ties to the Wagner Group.


The conflict in Sudan between two military factions of the military government, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), have led to widespread atrocities including sexual violence, recruitment of child soldiers, ethnic cleansing, and the internal displacement of 12 million people. 24 Million people are without humanitarian aid and millions of people currently face starvation. An absolute human disaster!

Nigeria faces numerous conflicts with the Boko Haram's violent insurgency, and its splinter faction ISWAP that aligned itself with ISIS. Since 2009, there have been an estimated 600.000 deaths and 3.3 million Nigerians internally displaced. Boko Haram and its armed groups of bandits, kidnap children for ransom and violently raid villages. They gained international notoriety with the kidnapping of over 275 schoolgirls from Chibok in 2014, and received global condemnation. Some girls were released through negotiations, some managed to escape, and others have been rescued. Numerous girls returned with children, which is a clear indication of sexual abuse, and 91 girls are still missing. Another conflict is the Farmer-Herder conflict between nomadic Fulani herders and sedentary herders.


The Yemeni crisis, which began with the 2011-2012, escalated when Houthi forces, representing a Zaydi Shiite movement from northern Yemen, took control of Yemen's capital, Sana'a, in September 2014. This led to a civil war between the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, and the internationally recognised government, initially led by President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. Hadi resigned in January 2015. This was followed by a Saudi-led military intervention named Operation Decisive Storm, which was also supported by the U.S., UK, Australia, Canada, France and Oman, with the aim to restore Hadi's government and counter the perceived Iranian influence in the region. The Yemeni Civil War has led to the deaths of more than 377,000 people and the displacement of over 3.6 million more. Approximately 16 million Yemeni are suffering from food shortages, with some areas experiencing or at risk of famine.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine was initiated because of NATO´s expansion initiatives, and the potential inclusion and deployment of missiles in Ukraine, despite the assurances given by NATO during the dissolution of the USSR. The OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) recorded 36,357 civilian casualties since the conflict escalated in February 2022. Over 8 million Ukrainians have fled and 5 million are internally displaced.

The Syrian crisis in 2011 began with with pro-democracy protests, which were part of the broader Arab Spring protests. These were against President Bashar al-Assad's regime. The government's violent crackdown led to an escalation that turned into a full-scale civil war involving various factions, including government forces, rebel groups, and foreign interventions. The war has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history, with estimates of between 470,000 to 600,000 deaths. Over half of Syria's pre-war population has been displaced, with millions becoming refugees, primarily in neighbouring countries and Europe, while others are internally displaced. Various international actors are involved, including Russia and Iran supporting the Assad regime, and Turkey, the U.S., and other coalition forces supporting different rebel factions to combat ISIS.

Nagorno-Karabakh, known as Artsakh to Armenians, is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan, but its population was predominantly Armenian. The region became a focal point of conflict as the Soviet Union began to disintegrate. In 1923, it was designated an autonomous oblast within Soviet Azerbaijan. From the late 1980s to May 1994, war erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenia over this region, resulting in Armenia gaining control over Nagorno-Karabakh and several surrounding districts of Azerbaijan. This conflict has claimed thousands of lives, particularly in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and displaced over 100,000 Armenians.

Xinjiang, officially the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, has been under Chinese control since the Qing dynasty's expansion in the 18th century, but the region has seen various degrees of autonomy and unrest over time. The area is strategically important due to its location bordering eight countries, and its natural resources. For a long time, the Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim Turkic-speaking ethnic group, have had tensions with the Han Chinese, who are the majority in China. Post-9/11 and after riots in Urumqi in 2009, China implemented strict measures under the guise of counter-terrorism and de-radicalisation, which included the mass detention of over a million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in internment camps designed for cultural and political re-education. This reminds me of what the Americans did to their native Indians. The region has seen the implementation of one of the world's most advanced surveillance systems with the use of facial recognition, DNA sampling, and extensive police checkpoints. The Government policies are aimed at limiting Islamic practices, restricting the education of the Uyghur language, and the destruction or alteration of mosques and other cultural sites. There have been allegations of cultural genocide, forced labour, and mass sterilisation.

Myanmar has been experiencing a severe crisis since February 2021, when the military, known as the Tatmadaw, staged a coup overthrowing the democratically elected government led by Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD). The violence has led to a severe humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced, particularly in ethnic minority areas like Kachin, Chin, and Karen states. The Rohingya crisis is important to mention, not just for the human rights violations, but also because it still remains unresolved to this day. The Rohingya are a predominantly Muslim ethnic group, with a long history in Rakhine State, located in western Myanmar. For decades, the Rohingya have faced institutionalised discrimination, including severe restrictions on movement, marriage, education, healthcare, and voting rights. They have been subjected to systematic violence, and their citizenship was effectively revoked in 1982 by Myanmar's citizenship law, leaving them stateless. When Rohingya militants from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) attacked several police posts and an army base, killing around 12 security personnel, the Tatmadaw responded with a massive and brutal military campaign to ethnically cleanse the area. 

The Tatmadaw military often worked with local Buddhist mobs to launch attacks on Rohingya villages which involved mass killings, widespread rape, torture, and the burning of entire villages. Witnesses and survivors reported horrific violence, including the killing of infants, mass executions, and the systematic rape of Rohingya women. Nearly one million Rohingya refugees are reported to be living in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, which is considered to be one of the largest refugee camps in the world. The UN has condemned the situation, numerous diplomatic discussions have taken place, the USA, Canada and the EU have placed sanctions on its military leaders, yet the crisis has not been resolved after all these years. Makes you wonder about the true power or intention of the UN and the Western governments. They seem to be all about the talk and no bloody action.

The Gaza genocide against Palestinians is a current topic that is unveiling the horrific atrocities committed by the State of Israel and its armed forces over the last 80 years. Since the 7th October 2023, over 40.000 Palestinians have been killed, many of them children. Over 1.9 million Palestinians are refugees in Gaza without medical assistance, food, or water. Over 80% of Gaza's infrastructure has been totally destroyed, and Gaza's health infrastructure has been devastated. Israeli casualties are estimated to be 1.400 (September 2024). Even though the atrocities committed by the State of Israel, its so-called honourable army, and its militia settlers have flooded social media channels with real-time video footage, the USA and its western allies, continue to dismiss valid allegations of genocide, and maintain their financial, diplomatic, and military support of Israel. Such despicable behaviour!

What I have mentioned thus far are absolute tragedies with the lives of millions of people at stake, yet they represent a small percentage of the human violations, the abuses, the exploitation, the rape, the murder, and the displacement that civilians of numerous other countries are experiencing around the world, countries that are run by greedy, extremely powerful, emotionally unintelligent and rather incapable men who commit heinous crimes against their peoples with service-to-self motives. There also seems to be a perpetual chess game played out by the USA and its allies against other world powers, religious and otherwise. The USA and its allies seem to care more about overpowering the other with manipulative war games and economic dominance, and obviously don't give a shit about the civilians they trample on like ants, or use as a human resource to keep their lucrative war machines churning.


Let's take a look at the countries that are considered to be USA allies:

The 32 member countries in NATO, which also include the nations not bound by a collective defence agreement under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, namely: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

1. Albania | 2. Belgium | 3. Bulgaria | 4. Canada | 5. Croatia | 6. Czech Republic | 7. Denmark | 8. Estonia | 9. Finland | 10. France | 11. Germany | 12. Greece13. Hungary14. Iceland15. Italy16. Latvia17. Lithuania18. Luxembourg19. Montenegro20. Netherlands22. North Macedonia22. Norway23. Poland24. Portugal25. Romania | 26. Slovakia27. Slovenia28. Spain29. Sweden30. Turkey31. United Kingdom32. United States

Major Non-NATO Allies (MNNAs) are: Ukraine, Kenya, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Most of our leaders are not good people, in fact, I consider them to be iniquitous, emotionally unintelligent, and self-absorbed, and those who aren’t, are too weak to make a difference. Have our leaders traded their souls for wealth, power, control, status and fame? They must have, because my human mind cannot fathom that anyone could make decisions that would result in the death and suffering of hundreds of millions of people, or allow such atrocities to happen in the first place. What our leaders have failed to understand is that to lead is through being a good example that others wish to follow, and not control, which is what today’s leadership, and those in the past, continue to strive for. The saddest tragedy of all is that there are thousands of powerful people in governments who are obviously too weak, or just plain evil, and haven’t managed to make massive changes for the betterment of all, and by all, I literally mean all, and not just the chosen few.

Here are some interesting figures. 

  • There are approximately 45,930 elected members of national parliaments globally. (2021)
  • Around 70-90 presidents have been elected by popular vote that hold significant power.
  • An average of 5-10% of the world population (8 billion) work in the public sector across all countries, which is roughly 400 to 800 million people.
  • There are roughly 5 to 20 million elected or appointed officials, and high-level civil servants worldwide.
  • Around 120 million people are displaced due to conflict, violence, persecution, human rights violations, and natural disasters. (2024)
  • Around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, which is one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa. That figure is much higher in 2024.
  • There are 59 state-based military conflicts recorded globally. (2024)

What about wealth distribution?

  • 1% of the population govern 80-90% of the “common” people and workforce. 
  • 1% of the world population owns 43% to 45% of the world’s wealth, 10% own 85% to 90%, and the bottom 50% own 1% to 2% 

Now that is fucking crazy! Over 50% of the world population work their butts off for a minimum of 40 hours per week, for a minimum of 50 weeks per year, until at least the age of 65 years, and are the poorest of an 8 billion world population, plus they own practically nothing. How right Herr Klaus Schwab is with his statement. "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.”, except that this is a reality that also applies to 2024. We own nothing, we have no privacy, and most of us believe that’s okay and that life hasn’t ever been better, because we're all doomed with potential nuclear wars, inflation, bust economies, corruption, political incompetence, and so on.

Tragic, isn´t it, that thousands of powerful, elected individuals and millions of public sector employees are all incapable of making the world a better place? This is a system that has failed humanity, while benefitting and enriching the upper echelons of society for thousands of years. It is a system that must go. It is definitely time that 90% of the population governed themselves, because 1% of the population truly suck at it!

Ok, I went off on a usual rant, and would like to come back to the human atrocities topic I started off with.

Besides Palestine and its fight against extinction, which is carried out by the deceptive, malevolent Zionist initiative in Israel, the DRC is another region that makes me seriously wonder about the evil that permeates our Earth. The Democratic Republic of Congo holds a name that is fallacious to its core because there is literally nothing democratic about this republic, which is, instead, a grand representation of the manipulation, the exploitation, the cruelty, the greed, the evil, and the genocidal tendencies of the West and colonial Europe, neocolonialism and corporatocracy. 

Congo is THE current human tragedy that, besides Palestine, surpasses any genocide or evil that was, and still is, observed by those in power, occasionally discussed by those in power, and mostly ignored by the rest of the world, and that for decades. My opinion is that the western world and its greedy corporations and bankers find it so much easier and a helluva lot more profitable to exploit the DRC´s vast resources, like cobalt, uranium and coltan, amidst all the humanitarian chaos.

Before the wicked, so-called "civilised" European traders started their infiltration of the Congo Region and began their transatlantic slave trade, with the Congo being the source of millions of slaves that were “legally” shipped to European and American territories, Congolese societies existed with advanced economies based on agriculture, mining, and trade, with extensive internal and external trade networks. These societies were typically organised into chiefdoms or kingdoms with hierarchical structures. Kinship, religion and spiritual beliefs played a central role in governance, and many leaders were believed to have sacred authority.

King Leopold II of Belgium, who desperately wanted a colony in Africa, finally managed to lay claim to the Congo under the guise of humanitarian efforts. He owned this area privately and named it Congo Free State. During the reign of King Leopold II of Belgium from 1885 and 1908, between 10 million and 15 million people were killed as a result of violence, starvation and disease, which included severe beatings, mutilations, like cutting off hands, and executions, which were carried out by his brutal Force Publique Colonial army that had white officers and black soldiers. 

What a despicable individual he was, and so were his army officers, who were evil to the core and everything but civilised. Reports of widespread murder, torture and abuse in the rubber plantations led to international and Belgian outrage. In 1908, control of the region was transferred from Leopold II to the Belgian government, and the Belgian-Congo was established. The evil persisted and took other forms.  Congo has suffered several genocides. During the Rwandan Genocide in 1994, 800.000 to 1 million people were murdered and millions displaced. Rebel groups alongside government forces are accused of mass killings and abductions in the thousands. As if that wasn’t bad enough, an estimated 5.4 to 6 million people were murdered or died from starvation and death during the Second Congo War between 1998 and 2003. 

DRC is now known as the “Rape Capital of the World”. Tens of thousands of women and girls have been raped by armed groups and government officials as a weapon of war. Tens of thousands of children are forcibly recruited as child soldiers and labourers, and consequently experience extreme abuse. The Hema and Lendu ethnic cleansing has killed between 50.000 and 60.000 civilians. The deaths, the rapes, the displacement and the perpetual humanitarian disaster are awful, and so is the widely acceptable, egregious treatment of the Congolese in the cobalt mining industry.

The DRC supplies the majority of the world’s cobalt, which is a key component for batteries in electric vehicles, mobiles, tablets, computers and electronic devices. The DRC ranks amongst the highest in modern slavery. Tens of thousands of children, some as young as 7 years old, work in cobalt mines in the DRC. These children often work in hazardous conditions in narrow tunnels dug by hand without proper protective gear. They are exposed to toxic dust, risk tunnel collapses, and handle heavy loads, all of which can cause severe injuries, respiratory diseases, and long-term health issues. These children come from extreme poverty and earn a meagre wage of less than $1 to $2 per day. This type of work is their families´ only survival.

Here is a list of the companies involved in the cobalt mining process. All of them have headquarters in other countries, and besides Shalina Resources and Ivanhoe Mines, all of them earn billions of dollars annually.

Glencore: HQ in Switzerland

Approximately $250 billion (2022)

China Molybdenum Co., Ltd. (CMOC)

Chinese State owned: HQ in Luoyang, China

Approximately $29 billion (2022)

Huayou Cobalt: HQ in Zhejiang, China

Approximately $9 billion (2022)

Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)

Founded in Kazakhstan - HQ in Luxembourg

Estimated at $5 billion to $8 billion (2022)

Shalina Resources - Based in Dubai 

Operates through its subsidiary Chemaf - HQ in DRC

Estimated at $200 million to $500 million (2022)

Jinchuan Group - Chinese state owned - HQ Jinchang, China

Approximately $50 billion (2022)

Ivanhoe Mines - Vancouver, Canada

Approximately $500 million to $1 billion (2022)

Freeport-McMoRan - HQ in Phoenix, Arizona

Approximately $22 billion (2022)

Now let's take a look at the annual revenue of the companies known to purchase cobalt for the batteries of their products:

Apple Inc.

Annual Revenue: $394.33 billion ( 2022)

Samsung Electronics

Annual Revenue: $234.55 billion (2022)

Microsoft Corporation

Annual Revenue: $198.27 billion (2023)

Tesla, Inc.

Annual Revenue: $81.46 billion (2022)

BMW Group

Annual Revenue: $142.61 billion (2022)

Volkswagen Group

Annual Revenue: $293.18 billion (2022)

Panasonic Holdings Corporation

Annual Revenue: $66.86 billion (2022)

Together these mining companies and multinational corporations earn hundreds of billions of dollars, yet Congolese men, women and children are subjected to extremely hazardous labour conditions and earn, at most, a measly $2, and amount that still keeps them in extreme poverty. What the fuck! Welcome to the sick, corrupt capitalist reality that is marketed as THE solution to achieve thriving global economies, while deceiving and economically enslaving the masses in the process.

Yes, capitalism is extremely beneficial, but only for the greedy investors, shareholders, and asset management companies who actually control the world. Of course, we all play along, and we are therefore 100% complicit, because we are the ones who fork out our hard-earned money for products that provide social connection, entertain us and allow us to do business. The quality of our lives has become dependent on these technologies, so completely boycotting such companies is not the answer. Most of the problems we face nowadays are economic and military. To enable the immoral, greedy capitalists to control the economy, they must control resource-rich countries, which is why there must be military conflicts in such countries that cause humanitarian disasters. 

The DRC should be one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but instead, the capitalist world and its benefactors are enriched, as well as those at the top of the supply chain, who have become the world’s glorified, respected, false-philanthropist billionaires. Besides the human disasters of all the countries I wrote about at the beginning of this article, they also have vast natural resources:

HAITI: Cocoa | Sugarcane 

NIGER: Uranium


NIGERIA: Oil | Gas | Talc | Tin | Iron Ore | Coal

CONGO: Cobalt | Diamonds | Copper | Gold | Uranium | Coltan

SUDAN: Oil | Gold | Iron Ore | Copper | Chromium

ETHIOPIA: Gold | Uranium

YEMEN: Oil | Gas


SYRIA: Oil | Natural Gas | Phosphates

UKRAINE: Gas - DONBAS: Coal | Iron Ore



UYGHUR REGION XINJIANG: Oil | Gas | Coal | Cotton

MYANMAR: Jade | Rubies | Oil | Gas

Are the military conflicts and human disasters linked to the vast natural resources these countries have? Well, let's take a look at countries that are resource-rich, but also enjoy stable economies and don't have any military conflicts.

Norway has oil, natural gas and minerals

Canada has oil, natural gas, minerals and timber

Australia has coal, iron ore, gold, natural gas, and minerals

Botswana has diamonds, copper, nickel, and coal

Chile has copper, lithium, and other minerals

New Zealand has timber, fisheries and natural gas

Finland has timber and minerals

Besides natural resources, strong economies, and the lack of conflict the above countries have, all of them have something else in common: They are all strategically important to the USA. They have good diplomatic and economic relationships with the USA, its Western partners and its allies, plus Norway, Finland, Canada and New Zealand have agreed to a U.S. military presence in their countries. They may even have U.S. military bases on their national soil.

Now let's consider what the concept of the “West” actually is.

The West traditionally refers to countries influenced by Western Christianity (both Catholic and Protestant traditions), that adopted Western cultural, political, and economic systems. These include Western Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Israel is often included because of its "democratic" system, its alignment with Western foreign policies, and its cultural ties. Japan and South Korea are sometimes referred to as Western because of their economic models, political systems, and alliance with the USA.

When we reflect on the human disasters plaguing our world, there seems to be constant rivalry between the so-called superpowers, and any countries´ leadership that sides with one or the other. Sadly, civilians are just the sacrificial lamb caught in the crossfire, but World Governance doesn't seem to care. 

Let´s take a look at the countries considered to be superpowers:

  • The United States remains a top superpower due to its massive economy, the largest military budget, its cultural influence, and its technological leadership.
  • China is recognised as a superpower because of its rapid economic growth, large economy, significant military spending, and global influence.
  • While Russia’s economic power might not match that of the U.S. or China, Russia's military capabilities, nuclear arsenal, vast natural resources, and its influence in global politics determine its superpower.
  • India is sometimes considered to be a superpower due to its growing economy, large population, military strength, including nuclear capabilities, and its increasing influence in global politics.
  • Although not a country, the European Union's collective economic power, if considered as a single entity, would also place it amongst the superpowers.
  • Israel is often considered to be a superpower because of its advanced military technology, its significant influence in Middle Eastern politics, and its unequivocal support from powerful allies like the U.S.

Yes, we all know that the USA is THE superpower of the world, albeit, I believe that its superpower dynamic is dependent on its alliance with “Western” partners, that together provide the immense political clout that the USA bullies the rest of the world with. Plus the military clout provided through the USA´s affiliation with its allies and NATO, enables the USA to continue its terrorisation of the whole world. As a founding member of the UN, the U.S. has veto rights within the United Nations Security Council, which means that the USA can veto any substantive resolution. 

Yes, the USA is globally powerful. In fact, I believe that the USA controls most of the world through its backdoor imperialist ideology achieved through the massive influence and power it exerts behind the scenes, all in the name of democracy, stability and counter-terrorism, of course. The two superpowers that do not align or support the USA´s "democratic" values and policies are Russia and China. Over decades, both of these countries have been vilified as the enemies of the USA and an absolute threat to democracy and Western values. This rivalry has caused many wars, many more conflicts and hundreds of millions of deaths. Western propaganda created a Russian and Chinese enemy to justify its wars, it's invasions, it's military coup d'états, its colour revolutions, its interference in countries´ national governance, its sanctions, its funding and training of militant/terrorist groups, and all the other atrocities that it's responsible for. More important than anything else, is the exposure of the "moral" West's actions past and present. The ,masses will be shocked!

It is so difficult for many people, especially in the West, to see the USA for what it is, a warmongering, capitalistic, self-absorbed country, because the USA is so damn good at diplomatic diversion, distraction and emotional propaganda, with well-dressed leaders that have perfectly-scripted speeches with all the right words and explanations. These individuals often come from wealthy or reputable, intact families, and have elite university degrees under their belt, with the perfect life, wife and kids. They also portray all the morals and values that are to be admired. In other words, they are the perfect actors recruited to play the role that has been scripted for them, so that the masses remain enthralled and beholden to them. In so doing, the USA´s imperialist agenda can be continued and maintained, while nurturing nationalist ideologies that keep Americans, and the West, entangled in false pride and prejudice. Of course, Biden totally messed up the perfect American, presidential image, didn’t he? Oh well!

Regardless of how we choose to criticise the USA, its foreign policies, its capitalist endeavours that are designed to rape resource-rich countries for economic gain, while it abuses a countries human resources and strangles and drains its economy, or its endorsement of corrupt, so-called democratic governments with weak, emotionally unintelligent leaders that have no moral compass and remain subservient “Yes Men” to Western demands, it cannot be denied that everyone in the West, to a large or lesser degree, believe all the democratic bullshit that is spewed by all our Western governments and USA allies. The human suffering in all of the countries I spoke about in this video are man made and could have been avoided, but they weren’t, and they never would have been because that was never the intention.

I do not believe that any governments, organisations, NGOs, institutions, leaders, religions, or any current systems, be it judicial, administrative or political, are capable of making the world an idyllic place with equal rights and equal opportunities for all peoples. Everything in our reality has been created to divide the masses and disconnect them from their true selves through the propagation of idolatry, consumerism, porn, capitalism, nationalism, industrialism, sexism, feminism, and addictions to toxic substances, toxic foods, toxic medicine, toxic beverages, toxic behaviours, and so on, because everything in our reality has given them the power over the masses for thousands of years. Their excuse for any change is that its complicated. But is it? It is only complicated because they desperately cling to the wealth, the power, and the control that all these systems offer them. 

I am done with all the political and governance bullshit! Emotionally connected, sovereign human beings are quite capable of governing themselves, and know exactly what a healthy society needs to thrive. Decentralisation and transparency of all forms of governance is essential, so is the power of determination and the decision making that must revert to the people of every nation. No human being willingly chooses to suffer, or wishes to be abused, tortured, maimed, killed, raped, or starved to death, nor do they wish to harm others. All the human suffering is the work of Satan, who obviously has way too many disciples. Heart-centred human beings must put an end to it all. 

All the systems we currently have must go, but they won’t, if we, the collective, also desperately cling to them because they are all we know. We must begin the practice of letting go. Letting go of our strong beliefs, our unhealthy behaviours, our toxic and judgemental thoughts, our discrimination, our superiority complexes, our false perception of the world and how it functions, our lack of worthiness and self-esteem, and so much more. When we begin the journey of emotional disconnection, which is not aversion, but rather the enhancement of our emotional skills through recognising, changing and letting go of the negative meaning we have given past, emotional experience, then we will be able to imagine, and thereby create, a world where all human beings are equal and individually unique at the same time. 

The abhorrent reality I have spoken about in this post has been created through our thoughts and beliefs, all of which have been purposefully and constantly projected into our reality for exactly that purpose, namely, to have us strongly believe them and thereby create them. Imagine it and so it shall be. How many times have you strongly believed something that was always true for you, until it wasn’t, and then your reality and how you perceived it completely changed. You could no longer un-see what you had seen.

The problem most people have is that they fail to look at the reality of our world, and an unseen reality is an unchanged reality. Many choose to avoid human tragedies and maintain their sense of peace. Avoidance creates yet another illusion that most people feed, which projects a state of harmony that is deceptive in nature. More importantly, aversion is the diversion from the very emotions we are meant to experience and master. Being upset about the human sacrifice plaguing our world is a clear sign of being human, and humanity is what most of us are sorely lacking. When we are emotionally disturbed about the reality of the world, then we are able make changes, and those changes lead to solutions that solve the problems that initially disturbed us. 

We must come together as emotionally connected human beings and create a world that epitomises all that we wish for and dream of, instead of hoping that those in power will create it for us, because they haven’t and they won’t. But we cannot come together if you are still connected to everything that divides us. Start today, by recognising what you believe sets you apart from others and then work on letting that narrative go, because separation is the BIGGEST LIE that we have all been constantly fed over lifetimes. Yes, we are completely individual and very much alike, but never separate.


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E -


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


Superfluous Governance - Strategy to Divide and Control

From Blame and Shame to Personal Responsibility

Democratic Illusion - Weapons of Economic Non-Engagement


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Make Big Goals Bite-Sized

When you imagine doing something big or you dream of having a specific way of life, then that already exists. All you need to do is take the necessary action-steps to enhance your emotional skills so that your vision, dream, or goal can be physically embodied and experienced.

Bodacious Plan is a guideline designed to help you create and also reach your big, personal or business goals with small, incremental, yet absolutely doable steps. The 103-page Bodacious Plan is yours for FREE You don't need to wait for New Year's Eve to determine what those big goals are - you can plan a year, a month, a week, or even a day at any time. Make your world a better place. Make a Bodacious Plan!

Waitlist for FREE Live
Waitlist for FREE Live

Be B.O.SS.Y. Live 

Join the FREE live with 17-year expert on how to master emotional intelligence by moving towards and not away from disturbing factors and individuals in your day-to-day life. You don't need an expensive therapist, nor do you need the perfect strategies other people swear by that never work for you.

You just need to connect to your emotional Self, ask profound questions, and "listen to" the answers. What if I told you that ONLY YOU have the solutions to any problems you experience? Or that you are perfectly equipped with all the answers you need, just that no one ever taught you how to find them within.

Click the link below to register for my live training - which is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

IsNotSo MERCH Limited-Editions
IsNotSo MERCH Limited-Editions

A must have attention-grabber 

For every uncompromising wardrobe!

Kim.E, from, creates products that represent the unique super-heroine patiently waiting to be embraced and embodied by every woman.

Time to shatter the societal mould we have been squeezed into. Time to stop surviving a mediocre life we surrendered to that is meant to make everyone else happy, but not ourselves. Time to step into an exhilarating life lived on our terms. Wearing an IsNotSo t-shirt may be your first step in that direction. Bring it on! Or even better - Put it on!

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