The Illusion of Freedom - Unmasking Economic Exploitation
Kim.E discusses and critiques the current economic and societal system, highlighting how the global collective, referred to as 'We Normal People,' are conditioned from school to become a diligent workforce, working extensive hours for minimal financial security. She argues that the system is designed to benefit corporations and political elites at the expense of the average worker. Her narrative covers the exploitative nature of work contracts, high taxes, ineffective healthcare systems, the high cost of living, and the production and consumption of unhealthy food. Kim.E also touches on the corruption prevalent amongst politicians and corporations, fostering a system of debt and dependency. She calls for a change, suggesting that the power to initiate transformation lies within individuals choosing different consumption habits and supporting local businesses.
The Hidden Chains: How We Normal People Are Enslaved by Modern Society
When we ātake a good look around our manmade world, there's not a lot of good left to say about man's creation, now is there? We have a system of human survival specially designed for the global collective that is based on a minimum income of money, also known as a salary, allowance or pay-check, the amount of which is largely determined by our academic achievements, ethnicity, skin, colour, and gender.
The global collective, which I call `We Normal People´, have been conditioned throughout school to become the diligent workforce that gladly slaves away for at least 40 hours a week for 50 weeks per year, unless of course, we are lucky enough to land a cushier job that only has us slave away for 46 weeks instead. Awww, how generous! The income we receive is in exchange for invested time and effort as defined in a work contract that is designed to protect the company and not the employee. This is a system that has `We Normal People´ obediently entering the workforce that is actually a glorified jail sentence that kindly offers us a "Get Out Of Jail Card" at the ripe old age of 65.
We leave one jail sentence to begin another one called Pension, where `We Normal People´ are destined to live a lonely, mediocre life until the day we take our last breath, provided of course, we have just enough financial security to support a relatively comfortable old age, and we are still a healthy people, especially after our lifetime service to an ungrateful economic system. If `We Normal People´ get old, have no money and dare get terribly sick with an awful disease that requires expensive medical care, well then we just suffer and die a lonesome death as a sickly pauper. Our moneymaking abilities have expired and we have no use to the system, so nobody really cares. "Such is life!"
Half of our `We Normal People´ salary goes to taxes, while another big chunk of it goes to the healthcare system, which cannot be referred to as a system that enhances, improves or maintains health, but rather a system that creates and supports disease. A better name for our healthcare system would be "Further Medicating Toxic Induced Individuals". This so-called healthcare system has been created to enslave `We Normal People´ to a corrupt economic system, that benefits enormously off the pharmaceutical industry with their over-the-counter products that promote ill health and personal debt, while advertising health solutions. Without a job, `We Normal People´ don't have medical assistance, and without medical assistance, we die a painful death, especially if we consume the crap we consume.
Whatever `We People´ have left from our meagre salaries goes straight to the cost of living. We are forced to pay exorbitant rent for small apartments, because the price of housing is unaffordable, and realtors and property owners are greedy sharks. Water, lights, gas and heating are the bare essentials for normal living, and must be paid in full to companies who have monopolised the whole industry. I look forward to the free energy era we are entering.
After our basic human needs have been covered, `We Normal People´ need to eat food, most of which is non-nutritious and easily assessable in huge supermarket chains that have popped up everywhere. How convenient! 90% of the products we consume have a shelf life with captivating labels that has `We Normal People´ falsely believe they are organic, healthy, and full of vitamins that are absolutely essential for our bodies, especially for those of our children. There is nothing healthy about the addictive sugars that sweeten our taste buds, the toxic additives that enhance flavours, the food colouring that even makes vegan mincemeat look inviting, and the chemicals that have been added to keep it looking fresh on the shelf until its expiration date months down the line.
"Oh, but the organisations like the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health Organisation, or the European Food Safety Authority regulate food standards!", you might add. I would reply that if all these organisations really cared so much about foods that promote health, and worried a lot less about their corporate shareholder equity or the status their political or corporate position provides them with, 90% of the foods that currently adorn our supermarket shelves would be banned.
If self-proclaimed health organisations and our politicians really cared about health, our whole legal system would change. We would have laws that ban toxic additives and refined sugars, and promote natural food colouring and flavour enhancers. Laws that support local farmers and provide a profitable market for them, while raising the prices of all imported goods that serve as competition to their local produce. Laws that prohibit the advertising of any products that do not enhance human health. Laws that ban most of the medication produced by the pharmaceutical industry, and laws that promote natural health products instead. The most important laws would be the taxation of every single foreign company, corporate entity, NGO or global monopoly that earns anything from a country's national citizens.
We have massive corporations that earn billions from our consumer behaviours, but do not pay any taxes to our governments. Instead, our corrupt governments have us pay VAT on every product we purchase from these billionaire companies that operate tax-free. Regulations are made that suit mega corporations because our politicians themselves earn massively on shareholder profit. How many politicians came into politics with normal salaries and savings and left as millionaires? Way too many to count. I call that corruption, but many call that lobbying, which is nothing more than legalised blackmail. All bullshit to me! All the taxes `We Normal People´ are forced to pay for the bare essentials in life must flow straight back into our salaries, because it is from our minimal, hard-earned salaries that the economy continues to exist today.
If `We Normal People´ have any money left after covering our basic human needs, we still need money for local transport, for travel, or to buy cars and pay for petrol, all of which are heavily taxed. Once all that is covered, `We Normal People´ desperately want random, over-priced, commercialised, useless, branded shit, because we are made to believe we will be sexier or more attractive because of it. A luxury item is a status symbol that automatically assumes we belong to high society, even if we don't. It shows that we made it! Made what? What most of us made is debt, which is what our corrupt economic system not only thrives on, but exists because of. Debt creates money out of thin air.
Because We Normal People are constantly bombarded with adverts promoting random shit we don't need and would love to have, a system has been created to facilitate our debt. So going into a minus or swiping a credit card with money we don't have is made super easy and a modern way of life. Our addictions are nurtured, be it drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, porn, processed food, fast food, medication, vaping, work, fitness, mainstream media, consumerism, as well as our addictive behavioural and thought patterns.
Why would any good human beings intentionally nurture such negative behaviours that lead to physical and emotional ailments? Well, if good human beings were running the show, none of the above would exist. Mega corporations earn shitloads of money by providing products that cause dis-ease, and then offer so-called "solutions" to solve the problems they actually caused. The best part is that mega corporations own one another through the shares they hold via massive investment and fund management companies like Vanguard, that boasts over 50 million investors, and manages over $7.25 trillion in global assets. That is only one company.
āIf you have a look at the shareholder stock of any mega corporation, you will find most of the names on this list. What I find fascinating about this graphic is that there is only one man listed, a man I absolutely disrespect, namely Klaus Schwab. How does one man get to manage trillions of dollars in global assets? I really dunno! Unfortunately, our corrupt leaders and politicians snuggle intimately in the same bed with such corporations and profit enormously off their success, which is why they legalise their business and monopolies in our countries. "But not all politicians are corrupt!", you might add. I would reply that those who aren't corrupt either don't have the balls, or lack the power and influence to make drastic, positive changes that serve the needs of humanity, and not the greed of the mega corps.
If `We Normal People´ stopped buying mega corporation shit, regardless of whether that is a luxurious item that serves our status-driven, big egos, or the processed crap on our supermarket shelves that tastes good for less than a minute, but causes obesity and countless other ailments, and if we decided to clear our debt, a whole system would crash, and should crash. Small businesses and local farmers would sprout up like mushrooms. We would not only get our power back, but we would also demand political change through the exposure of the whole bloody system. Yes, it is time for change, but the change begins with you. Yes, YOU!
Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.
Kim.E xx
Artwork | Creative Writing & Editing | Recording & Editing: Kim.E -
This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.
Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.
Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.