From Tragedy to Truth - Unveiling the Gaza Conflict

controversial genocide historical political propaganda world affairs

Kim.E addresses a private message from an Israeli regarding her 'Religious Propagation'  video and clarifies her stance, stressing that her comments advocate for freedom and equality for Palestinians, not the destruction of Israel. She delves into the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the role of Zionism, colonisation, and notable events such as the Nakba. Kim.E also criticises the mainstream media's portrayal of the conflict and the actions of Western governments. She emphasises the need for peace, equality, and freedom for all people, and questions the silence and complicity of those who support the Israeli offensive against Gaza.

Debunking Misconceptions - A Response to 'From the River to the Sea'

I got a private message on Facebook from an Israeli I know with regards to my video 'Religious Propagation'. I would like to comment on the message without revealing the person’s identity.

“By saying The River to the Sea, you are saying that Israel should not exist and all the Israelis will be killed, including all your friends. Oh, you probably don't care. All you care about is from the river to the sea and the destruction of Israel.”

Of course, this is not what I said, nor is it what I think, yet the messenger automatically made such assumptions and naturally handed me these labels. Dear Israelis, please do not words in our mouths. Please do not assume that our comments mean the eradication of all Israelis. Our comments mean the freedom of ALL people, especially and including the Palestinians. 

The messenger, who assumed I lived in Germany, went on to say the following: “You live in Germany, just imagine a terror organisation from France infiltrated Germany, took 238 hostages, killed 1500 people, raped them, burned babies, then you say Germany should not try and eradicate the terror organisation, and yes lets give them half of Germany for their own state.”

Burned babies, raped women and hostages are such emotionally triggering words that understandably bring up strong emotions such as anger and hatred, and are very effective in de-humanising the proclaimed perpetrators. Such statements were constantly broadcast via mainstream media without proof or verification, and were successful at bringing the divided Israelis and much of the world together in unequivocal support of an Israeli offensive in Gaza. The claims that babies were burned or beheaded and women raped have already been debunked by numerous channels, yet these false claims are still used as the triggering excuse to raze Gaza to the ground and kill thousands of innocent civilians in the process. Even if these statements were fabricated, the post-trauma of these false claims is obviously still very real for most Israelis. 

In my opinion, the example the messenger used with the infiltration of a terror group into Germany cannot be compared to the situation in Israel. In fact, I would say that the infiltration was of Jews into Palestine through the successful efforts of organised Zionism. Palestine existed as its own state and can be seen with the name Palestine in old maps printed before the 2nd World War. To understand the immigration of Jews to Palestine, we need to first touch on the Zionist movement. Long before the first world war, the Zionist Movement wished to establish a “national home for Jewish people”. Zionism is an ethnic or ethno-cultural nationalist movement founded by Austro-Hungarian Theodor Herzl. This movement emerged in Europe in the late 19th century and aimed for the establishment of a Jewish state through the colonisation of a land outside Europe. Countries like Uganda, Kenya, Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula were also considered as options, albeit, focus eventually fell on the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Mandatory Palestine.

Theodor Herzl´s vision to create a Jewish State included The Jewish Company, a joint stock company subject to English jurisdiction, within English laws and protected by England. The company would control virtually all the land in Palestine and would take care of transporting millions of people within a few years, and all, or nearly all Jews of the world. On the 27th February 1902, Leumi, which means national in Hebrew, was founded by Theodor Herzl and incorporated as a British company in London under the name of Anglo-Palestine.

All massive colonial projects need funding. There is one extremely powerful family of bankers that have played a huge, secretive role behind the scenes of world politics since the 18th century. Their kind have infiltrated governments, toppled governments, installed governments, started wars, financed both sides of wars, bought up a country´s national assets, exploited and controlled the resources of countries, and have also destabilised and impoverished countries all in the name of personal power and economic gain. They also had a big part to play in the creation of the state of Israel. 

The family I speak of is the Rothschild family, who are Ashkenazi Jews, and were well set up across Europe with banks in Frankfurt, Paris, Naples, Vienna, and London. They always remained the secretive, extremely powerful benefactors in the background, and had many agents do their dirty deeds. These agents, whose efforts and loyalty were rewarded with great wealth and power, worked for the Rothschilds in powerful political and corporate positions around the world, and greatly influenced the economy and the politics of the world from the inside of governments and their leadership positions. Interesting isn´t it, that this is still the modus operandi on the world stage today. The Rothschilds, together with other shrewd individuals like JP Morgan and JD Rockerfeller, were incremental in shaping Europe and the USA, and were also behind the creation and exploitation of Rhodesia and South Africa. I believe that members of these large banking families still control the world, its governments and all government agencies today.

Before we continue, let´s look at the meaning of colonisation. Colonisation is a process of establishing control over foreign territories or peoples for the purpose of exploitation and  possibly settlement. Israel is  and always was, a colonialist Zionist project backed and also financed by financial institutions, and Western partners, especially the UK and the USA. Like all other colonialist projects, mass immigration of people, in this case, Jewish people, was necessary in order to have and maintain control of the land. 

In 1800, only around 6.700 Jews were recorded in Palestine. As you can see in these images, Jews were always a minority in Palestine. To lay claim to the land, Palestinians had to be displaced.

Between 1840 and 1880, a mass emigration of Jews to Palestine began. This exodus was known Aliyah, which is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora, and although not the the First Aliyah, it would become known as such because it represented the beginning of organised Zionism in Palestine. During this period, the Jewish population doubled from 26,000 to approximately 55,000. The First Aliyah wasn’t a success because the Zionists ran out of funds, but received funding from the Rothschild organisation that began to purchase land and create Jewish settlements in Palestine.

At the end of 19th century, Palestine had 500.000 inhabitants of whom 30.000 lived in Jerusalem, and of which half were Jews, although in the country as a whole, Jews only made up 5% of the total population. Christians accounted for 10% and muslims 85%. All were subjects of the Sultan of Constantinople. By 1915, there were already 87.500 Jews living in Palestine.

Within two months of Britain’s declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire, Zionist member of parliament, Herbert Samuel, a British politician who would later become High Commissioner of British occupied  Palestine in 1922, circulated a memorandum in January 1915 called The Future of Palestine, proposing support for the Zionist ambitions.

After the Ottoman forces were driven out of Levant, the UK agreed to honour Arab independence, but later divided what had been Ottoman Syria with France. This act was seen as betrayal in the eyes of the Arabs. In the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Britain promised its support of the establishment of a Jewish National home. Interesting to read the letter Lord Balfour sent to Lord Rothschild where he states that nothing shall be done to prejudice the religious and civil rights of existing non-Jewish communities. Just another politician doing what politicians do best, namely: Make false promises they never plan to keep.

The Arabs were naturally unhappy with Britain’s deceptive tactics, the huge influx of Jews and the continued loss of their land. During this time, there were many riots, and both Arab and Jewish militant groups formed. There were deaths on both sides. The Jewish militant groups also began attacks on British personnel, government soldiers and policemen.

The Zionist efforts continued up to and all through World War II. The Haavara Agreement of 1933 is also worth mentioning. This was an agreement between Nazi German and the Zionist German Jews. This agreement made it possible for approximately 60.000 German Jews to migrate to Palestine between 1933 and 1939. Emigrants sold their assets in Germany to pay for essential goods that were manufactured in Germany to be shipped to Mandatory Palestine. A portion of their assets had to be transferred to the Anglo-Palestine Bank, now the Leumi Bank in Israel. This is another great example of the wheelings and dealings of the power players, who use human beings for political and financial gain. 

There were Arab significant uprisings after the 2nd world war. In November 1947, the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 attempted to resolve the Arab-Jewish conflict by partitioning Palestine into "Independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem". At this point in time, the Zionist efforts of mass immigration were rather successful, and had gone from only 5% of the population in 1900, to 32% in 1947. Representatives of the Palestinian Arabs and the Arab League rejected the partition, not only because it was unfair, but because they wished that the rule of Palestine should revert to its inhabitants. Regardless of their protests, the UN approved the partition plan. I have a lot to say about the United Nations, and none of it is good, but let´s leave that for another video. The British Mandate was terminated, and Israel proclaimed statehood on the 14th May 1948. The Jews were ecstatic while the Arabs obviously weren't. A surge of violence broke out in Israel.

This image shows the emigration of Jews to Israel between 1919 and 2020.

Once Israel was a state, its soulless government showed its true colours and its evil intentions to ethnically cleanse Israel of Palestinians. In 1948, the Nakba happened, which was the violent displacement of Palestinians, the dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society, the suppression of their culture, identity, political rights and national aspirations. an-Nakba means the catastrophe in Arabic. During the foundational events of the Nakba in 1948, approximately half of Palestine's predominantly Arab population, or around 750,000 people, were expelled from their homes or made to flee through various violent means, at first by Zionist paramilitaries, and after the establishment of the State of Israel, by its military. Dozens of massacres targeted Palestinian Arabs and over 500 Arab-majority towns, villages, and urban neighbourhoods were depopulated, with many of these being either completely destroyed or repopulated by Jews and given new Hebrew names. By the end of the war, 78% of the total land area of the former Mandatory Palestine was controlled by Israel.

The Palestinian national narrative views the Nakba as a collective trauma that defines their national identity and political aspirations. The Israeli national narrative views the Nakba as a component of the War of Independence that established Israel's statehood and sovereignty, whilst negating or denying the atrocities committed, claiming that many of the expelled Palestinians left willingly, or that their expulsion was necessary and unavoidable. Nakba denial has been increasingly challenged since the 1970s in Israeli society, particularly by the New Historians. The official narrative has not changed to this day. Of course not!

The displacement and killing of Palestinians hasn’t stopped. Israel has occupied the Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights since the Six-Day War of 1967. Gaza had become known as the world’s largest open-air prison. The treatment of Palestinian civilians is horrific, although such atrocities seldom, if ever reach mainstream media. Before the current Genocide, all Palestinian movement was controlled, as well as their access to water and food. Their homes have been bombed, their houses ransacked. Settlers, who have a greater resemblance to fanatic militia and not religious Jews, have taken Palestinian land by force.  Palestinians have been terrorised, arrested without trial, tortured, maimed or killed.

Minors have been arrested, some as young as 12 years old. The conditions and treatment of these prisoners is horrific. I will not go into greater detail here, but I certainly question the humanity and integrity of everyone involved in these atrocities 

So Dear Messenger, the Palestinians were invaded on their own land. The Zionist vision was and still is, to claim all of Israel for the Jews. I do not believe that Palestinian sovereignty was ever part of the plan, which is why any peaceful process would have been a facade, and a show for the western world to have them believe that the Israeli government was really working towards peace. Such bullshit!

The conflict in this area did not begin on the 7th October, but decades before. Yes, hostages were taken, and people were killed, but very little is shared about the IDF killing their own people on that fateful day. How was it even possible for Hamas to do what they did? Gaza is one of the most secured and controlled areas in Israel? Why did it take the IDF hours to engage, which gave Hamas enough time to take away so many hostages? Could it be that this was part of the plan to start a war? What about the freed hostages waving a white flag that Israel accidentally shot? Oops! Sorry! What about the settlers, which include men, women, children, and even babies, who travel to the Gaza border post everyday to make sure that humanitarian aid trucks are blocked from entering the Gaza Strip? They dance, eat, sing, and rejoice in the starvation of Palestinians, who are in desperate need of water, food and medical assistance, and all this without any interference from the IDF soldiers on duty. I find that rather sick, don´t you? There are many more stories to tell.

Children are not terrorists, neither are the 1000s of civilians that have been killed. NOTHING justifies the death toll thus far. I wish for good Israelis to be Pro-All-Life and not Pro-Kill-Em-All until all Israeli hostages come home. Through all the death and carnage, the Palestinians have still managed to keep Israeli hostages alive, which is quite a feat considering the path of total destruction that Israel follows. Talking about hostages, what about the freedom of 2 million Palestinian hostages? When do they get to come home Dear Israelis?

I am also disgusted by Western politicians and leaders and their support of everything that has happened in Palestine over the last 75 years. Dear Messenger, if the tables were turned and the USA were invaded by the organised immigration of millions of Arabs, do you think that the USA or any western government would stand for it for one minute, let alone over 8 decades? For fuck sakes, according to believable conspiracies, the World Trade centre bombing was an inside job that gave the USA the global support to invade Iraq in search of weapons of mass destruction that didn’t exist, assassinate Saddam Hussein, yet another figure they did well at vilifying as the bad guy, and destabilise a whole country, murder over a million citizens and displace millions more. The same playbook has been played out in many other countries again and again, and has also been played out in Israel. Western governments and their financial backers do not care about the Arabs or the indigenous people of any country. All they care about is white supremacy, power and financial gain, which is why they have all the smart talk, the false promises, and no fucking action.

 So dear Messenger and dear Israelis, I find it very difficult to speak positively about the Israeli Government, its so-called “honourable” army, its murderous actions and its deceptive tactics, its militant settlers, and its western allies, especially the US and the UK. I also find it so difficult to understand you dear Israelis. Are you really oblivious to everything, or do you know, deep down, that so much is so wrong and always has been, and that the murder, displacement and starvation of human beings does not solve any problem? It is so difficult for me to understand how 79% of you apparently support the war in Gaza. The rejection you may feel has nothing to do with religion, although I really question the religiosity of any person who supports the killing of any human beings, regardless of the credible excuses they may cling to. Your rejection has to do with the dehumanisation you practice of Palestinian citizens, whose land you have invaded through organised Zionism, a land you proclaim as your own. Whose rights you have removed and whose extermination, death and suffering you support. And if you are for the plight of the Palestinians Dear Israelis, why don´t we hear about your protests? Your silence makes you complicit.

I wish that Palestine exists where it is and always was before 1922, and that both Israelis and Palestinians live side by side with equal rights. I wish for the killing and total destruction to stop. I wish for the lies and the propaganda to stop. I wish for the inequality, the land grabs, and the settlements to stop. I wish for possessed land to be given back to the Palestinians, so that they can return to what is rightfully theirs. I wish for equality and freedom of ALL people, and not only for Jewish Israelis. I wish for Israel to free the thousands of Palestinians, many of whom are young teenagers being held without trial that are sexually abused, tortured, and starved. Your own IDF soldiers are the whistle blowers + brave journalists + freed prisoners. I wish for Israel to release the MILLIONS of hostages being held without food and water in Gaza, and those in the West Bank. I wish for Israelis to learn more about what is actually happening in their own country and about the pure evil and inhumanity that is being played out day-to-day. I wish for Israelis to question EVERYTHING their politicians say, because like most politicians, they cannot be trusted and say what the masses need to hear to support their initiatives and political endeavours.  

Many thanks Dear Messenger for your message, which was the inspiration behind the creation of this video.


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


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This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


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