Weaponised Dehumanisation - Subliminal Social Disease - Part One

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Weaponised Dehumanisation - Subliminal Social Disease - Part One

Kim.E shares her perspective on the pro-Israeli propaganda being spread on social media channels. She delves deep into the crises in Palestine, and discusses Israeli governance, paramilitary groups, the IDF, and the complicity of Israeli citizens. Kim.E criticises Western governance and populations, as well as the occupation of foreign countries through the settlement of civilians to serve ideological, military, and economic goals.

It is through an American-Israeli's posts on social media that I became aware of the brutality, the dishonesty, the hatred, the discrimination, the self-righteousness, and the false sense of superiority validated with a “Poor Jews” narrative based on the constantly publicised Jewish holocaust and the revivification of Jewish persecution, all of which have been creatively packaged into Instagram worthy posts that are regularly spewed on social media channels. 

Our social media posts are a personal reflection of our persona, our business, our philosophy, and our lifestyle, which we choose to share with the social media world in an authentic or a superficial manner. October the 7th unleashed this American-Israeli's Zionist and pro-Israeli biases, which until then, lay concealed behind her inspirational posts and sweet demeanour. Her social media posts over the last year reflect her hatred, discrimination, and ignorance, which shocked me more than the posts themselves.

But that is the dilemma we face nowadays isn't it? Humanity is deceived by and strongly believes in a well-designed, superficial facade that reflects morality, kindness, trustworthiness, fairness, and freedom, whereas the true nature of so many individuals is malicious, pompous, and lacks compassion and integrity. We live in a world that is cruel and barbaric. A world that is intentionally and fallaciously portrayed as moral and democratic with a malevolent disposition that remains concealed beyond the rose-coloured glasses that continue to blind humanity to this day. Sadly, much of humanity has embodied the same type of behaviours with a superficial veneer that may get the social likes and attention, yet reflects the opposite characteristics in true-life. Through social media, we have all mastered the skill of manipulation that is shrouded in superficiality and deception.

Even though I know many Israelis and have been to Israel numerous times, I was totally oblivious to the reality hidden behind the extremely powerful pro-Israeli and Jewish propaganda, which has infested the world with its evil, its lies, and its deception. I decided to expose propaganda that is being used to rally support and sympathy for the powerful American-Israeli war machine's genocide agenda in Gaza. I chose a few of the many pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist Instagram posts, and added a touch of personal truth and humanity to them. All my personal perception of course! They will be shown throughout this blog in the hope that you will recognise how propaganda is constantly used to influence your decisions and opinions, ignite hatred and animosity in you, and weaken and destroy what makes you human, namely your compassion for others. Most of what we are surrounded by nowadays is based on small truths and many big, fat lies, not just regarding the Gaza Genocide, but everything, yes EVERYTHING. Successful marketing professionals are mostly emotionally manipulative individuals who practice the art of deception for a living.  

I believe that the Gaza Genocide and the repercussions of its reality, is the red pill that is lifting the veil and awakening humanity out of its naive stupor and into a state of reflective soberness, a state that will inevitably expose who and what we have all become. Who we are is revealed in times of extreme adversity and not in times of peaceful harmony, even if peace and harmony are always the perfect illusions we desperately cling to. 

Anyone following the events in Gaza on non-corporate and non-Western media channels, knows that it is not a war against terrorism, nor a military conflict to save and protect Israeli nationals, nor the self-defence of “Poor Jews” and their right to exist as a Jewish nation amidst enemies who wish to obliterate their “democratic” state off the face of the earth, nor any other bullshit narrative Israel, its Western allies, and corporate cronies wish to conjure up to defend Israel’s actions and its murder of innocent civilians. It is Genocide.

Genocide was apparently coined in 1944 by Polish-born U.S. jurist Raphael Lemkin in his work "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe" in reference to the Nazi extermination of Jews. Geno is from Greek genos and means “race or kind”. The pie root gene, means give birth or beget, and refers to familial and tribal groups, and procreation. -cide means "a killing”. The literal meaning of genocide is "killing a tribe”, which is exactly what Israel has been doing for decades.

I find the similarities between Nazi Germany and the State of Israel quite alarming, especially considering the extremely powerful Israeli propaganda machine. Unlike Josef Goebbels, who focused on Nazi Germany, Israeli propaganda is unleashed on the whole world, and has managed to dehumanise millions of ignorant Westerners and Israeli Jews, who willingly endorse the murder, the torture, the displacement, and the suffering of other human beings, and champion the mass destruction of their livelihoods and infrastructure. The absurdity of it all is that the ignorant Westerners and Israeli Jews actually believe they are moral, honourable, intelligent, good people. I often wonder what is worse, our deception to others or to ourselves.

Let's take a look at the meaning of propaganda. Propaganda is: 

  • Any movement or organisation used to propagate some practice or ideology
  • The dissemination of information intended to promote a political point of view
  • Material or information propagated to advance a cause

What is the State of Israel's cause, its ideology, or its political point of view? The events of the past 120 years paint a blatantly clear picture, even for those in absolute denial. The Zionist mission has always been to create a Jewish State, and not share it. If the Zionist intention were otherwise, history would have very different stories to tell, and we wouldn't currently have 1.9 million Palestinians being systematically eliminated by the “honourable” Israeli Defence Force. The current genocide is only one of the countless atrocities committed against the indigenous peoples of Palestine over decades, atrocities that have been tolerated by the so-called "democratic" West. 

Almost two decades before Israel declared independence in 1948, violence was used to protect Jewish settlements, enforce political change, and advance the Jewish independence drenched in evil Zionist ideologies. Besides the Zionist Movement's civilian occupation of Palestine with its strategic immigration of Jews to region from the 1880s, paramilitary groups like the Haganah and its “elite strike force”, the Palmach, were also formed. The infamous, radical terrorist groups responsible for attacks on British and Arab targets, high-profile assassinations, bombings and civilian deaths are Irgun (Etzel), an organisation that aligned with Revisionist Zionism, and Levi, the Stern Gang, an extreme Zionist group that even attempted to ally with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy against the British early in WWII.

It is important to mention, that the British were preventing the Zionist vision of a Jewish state by restricting the immigration of Jews to Palestine. To appease Arab opposition in Palestine, the British White Paper of 1939 severely limited Jewish immigration to 75.000 over five years. The British White Paper also called for the creation of an independent Palestine under Arab majority rule within 10 years. The Zionist paramilitary gangs went to great lengths, including murder, to stop the British from enforcing the White Paper and preventing a Zionist state.

To this day, the Zionist Israeli government is willing to ruthlessly massacre innocent civilians and destroy their livelihoods to expand their Zionist vision of a greater Israel, which extends far beyond its current borders. Israel has already begun its expansion into Lebanon with the destruction of villages, attacks on residential areas, and has injured UN Peacekeepers in the area all in the name of chasing Hezbollah terrorists. Give me a fucking break! When will an end be put to the blood-thirsty, religiously indoctrinated, and ideologically marinated Zionist State of Israel? 

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it, if Jews were ever important, or were they just the sacrificial lamb used to breathe life into radical Zionist ideologies? Jews around the world were, and still are, the benefactors and financiers of such ideologies. Was the Jewish religion and its believers used as the perfect camouflage to disguise the pure evils of Zionism? Sure seems like it! Besides that, groups like Irgun and Lehi viewed violence as a necessary tool to create a Jewish state, and are hallowed national heroes by many Jews today. They committed acts of terrorism against the British, whom they regarded as illegal occupiers of Palestine, yet today, devious Israel, the arrogant USA, and the pompous West condemn Hamas´ violent attempts to free Palestinian civilians from the brutal, inhumane Israeli occupation. The level of hypocrisy is blatantly obvious, even for the blissfully ignorant Westerners who wilfully choose to turn a blind eye. 

Hamas is the condemned terrorist group that must be annihilated at all costs even if thousands of civilians are murdered in the process, while the State of Israel remains the terrorist nation that disregards international law and proudly carries out the genocide of Palestinian civilians, while the USA and the West remain avid devotees in the sidelines reiterating their moral support and providing financial aid. Yes, of course, Israel cannot be a terrorist nation because it's a democratic state. Such bullshit! Since when is systematic displacement, torture and genocide democratic? What a fucked up, deluded, hypocritical, dumb society we have become! 

Even more interesting is that Haganah, Palmach, and the terrorist groups, Irgun and Lehi were integrated into the newly formed IDF in 1948, and three of their members later became Israeli prime ministers. Yeah, real terrorists that murdered civilians run the country, but who cares, Israel can obviously do no wrong!

Here is a list of the Prime Ministers of Israel, their original names and their countries of birth:

David Ben-Gurion 

Poland (born David Grün in Płońsk, then part of Congress Poland, Russian Empire)

Prime minister from 1948-1954 + 1955-1963

Moshe Sharett

Ukraine (born Moshe Shertok in Kherson, then part of the Russian Empire)

Prime minister from 1954-1955

Levi Eshkol 

Ukraine (born Levi Yitzhak Shkolnik in Oratov, then part of the Russian Empire)

Prime minister from 1963-1969

Golda Meir

Ukraine (born Golda Mabovitch in Kiev, then part of the Russian Empire. Grew up in the United States)

Prime minister from 1969-1974

Yitzhak Rabin 

Born in Jerusalem, British Mandate of Palestine

Prime minister from 1974-1977 + 1992-1995 (until his assassination)

Menachem Begin 

Belarus (born Mieczysław Biegun in Brest-Litovsk, then part of the Russian Empire)

Prime minister from 1977-1983

Yitzhak Shamir

Poland (born Icchak Jeziernicky in Ruzhany, then part of the Russian Empire)

Prime minister from 1983-1984 + 1986-1992 

Shimon Peres 

Poland (born Szymon Perski in Vishnyeva, now in Belarus, then part of Poland)

Prime minister from 1984-1986 + 1995-1996 (After Rabin's assassination)

Benjamin Netanyahu

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel (Spent significant parts of his youth in the United States)

Family originally had the surname Mileikowsky

Prime minister from 1996-1999 + 2009-2021 (Served multiple non-consecutive terms within this period) 

+ 2022 to Present

Ehud Barak 

Born in Mishmar Hasharon, British Mandate of Palestine (now Israel)

Prime minister from 1999-2001

Ariel Sharon 

Born Ariel Scheinermann in Kfar Malal, British Mandate of Palestine

Prime minister from 2001-2006 (until he suffered a stroke and fell into a coma)

Ehud Olmert 

Born Ehud Brog in Binyamina, British Mandate of Palestine

Prime minister from 2006-2009 (initially acting, then elected)

Naftali Bennett 

Born in Haifa, Israel (his parents are from the United States)

Prime minister from 2021-2022

Yair Lapid 

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel

Prime minister from 2022 (brief period = rotation agreement before Netanyahu returned to office)

Most of Israel’s prime ministers had significant military or defence roles. Here’s a list of the Israeli prime ministers who served in the Israel Defence Force in some capacity, and/or held office as Minister of Defence. 

David Ben-Gurion

Founder of the IDF in 1948 - Defence Minister 

Levi Eshkol

Part of the Haganah paramilitary group -  Minister of Defence during the Six-Day War

Yigal Allon (Acting PM) 

Senior Commander in the Palmach

Yitzhak Rabin

Chief of Staff of the IDF - Played a leading role during the Six-Day War (1967)

Menachem Begin

Leader of the Irgun, a radical, extreme Zionist paramilitary group

Yitzhak Shamir

 Leader in the Lehi (Stern Gang), a radical, extreme Zionist paramilitary group

Shimon Peres

Director-General of the Ministry of Defence

Played a key role in the development of Israel’s military and defence industries

Benjamin Netanyahu

Captain in the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit of the IDF

Ehud Barak 

Chief of Staff of the IDF -  Served in the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit of the IDF 

Ariel Sharon

Major General in the IDF 

Played key roles in Israel’s major wars - His audacious tactics led to significant victories

Naftali Bennett 

Commando officer in the Sayeret Matkal and Maglan units

By the way, Sayeret Matkal and Maglan are Israel's most elite special forces units known for their highly secretive operations. In fact, it's so clandestine that members live normal day-to-day lives while keeping their affiliations and activities with these forces secretive even after their service has ended. Because such units are sanctioned by the “democratic” State of Israel, they are not classed as terrorist groups even though they target civilians. Welcome to the morally corrupt world of democracy!

So, Yigal Allon, Menachem Begin, and Yitzhak Shamir were members of paramilitary groups, two of which were terrorist groups. Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, and Naftali Bennett served in the very secretive, elite special forces. Many of Israel's prime ministers had high-level positions in the IDF and Defence Ministry, and have contributed to Israel becoming a military aggressor in the region. It seems quite obvious that Israel resembles a military state run by military men far more than it resembles a democratic state and whatever democracy may mean nowadays. Why do ignorant Westerners believe that any country is democratic just because it has a voting system? A voting system does not make any state democratic, a states political actions and behaviours do.

Besides its exceptional brutality, Israel’s government and military have a history paved in blatant dishonesty. A great example is the Qibya massacre carried out by Unit 101, a sayeret commando unit of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), which was founded and commanded by Ariel Sharon, a future Prime Minister, on orders from Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. On the 14th October 1953, the village of Qibya in the West Bank, which was then under Jordanian control, was attacked at 9:30 pm by Unit 101. More than sixty-nine Palestinian civilians were killed, most of whom were women and children. Forty-five houses, a school and a mosque were destroyed. Ariel Sharon wrote in his diary that "Qibya was to be an example for everyone," and that he ordered "maximal killing and damage to property”. Yes, this is the same dude who became an Israeli prime minister.

The attack on Qibya was one of many. Ben Gurion publicly lied to the world and his nation, claiming that the raid had been carried out by Israeli civilians. Here is his statement: “None deplores it more than the Government of Israel, if ... innocent blood was spilled ... The Government of Israel rejects with all vigour the absurd and fantastic allegation that 600 men of the IDF took part in the action ... We have carried out a searching investigation and it is clear beyond doubt that not a single army unit was absent from its base on the night of the attack on Qibya. (Statement by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, ISA FM 2435/5). Hand me a bucket so I can throw up!

Concerning blatant lies and shrewd dishonesty, it's quite obvious that lying is an art constantly practiced by politicians and leaders to manipulate and deceive the masses. Hot damn, they sure have perfected that skill! After the 7th October 2023, Israel and numerous Western leaders made false allegations of beheaded babies, babies in ovens, and mass rapes carried out by Hamas militia, all of which have been debunked. The world is still waiting for the shocking evidence to be released, which it won’t be because it doesn’t exist. The State of Israel and its military cannot be trusted, neither can any “factual” information provided by its media. Israel is a propaganda state. Regardless of Israel’s despicable behaviour and obvious lack of integrity over the last seventy plus years, the USA and the West remain the morally loyal, financial supporters.

It's quite disturbing that the virtuous West hasn’t retaliated against such a brutal, untrustworthy, military government like Israel, especially considering the USA´s invasions of other countries for less obvious reasons that were skilfully validated by numerous, intentionally fabricated false-truths. Instead, the West, particularly the USA, portrays an image of subservience in all matters Israeli, unless of course the USA isn't subordinate, but the secretive lover intimately pulling the power strings together with Israel, while they chuckle at the stupidity and gullibility of the Western world. The same deceptive playbook has been performed numerous times over hundreds of years with the power of money at its evil core. Whoever controls the world's money also controls the world.

Allow me to take you on a historic journey over hundreds of years that begins with the power of money, a journey that has absolute relevance in today's world. By the 1600s, numerous extremely influential banker families had gained immense power exceeding that of the pope or ruling kings, queens, and emperors of various nations. Two families that were extremely powerful at the time were the Rothschilds, who were Ashkenazi Jews, and the Medicis, who were Roman Catholics. Together with the European Banker and Merchant Class, they devised a devious scheme to centralise, and therefore control all the wealth through the financial systems, banks, and joint-stock corporations they owned, controlled, or were invested in.

The Banker and Merchant Class were covertly responsible for religious and political mayhem, death, disease, starvation, immense human suffering, and economic collapse in countries that were resource-rich and/or strategically important for their self-serving goal to gain and maintain global power and economic dominance. The Banker and Merchant Class financed many wars like the Napoleonic Wars, military conflicts, and revolutions, like the French Revolution. This they did with the help of numerous individuals, many of whom were, and still are, well-paid Zionists posing as Jews, who were compensated handsomely to infiltrate governments, parliaments, and all levels of society to sway opinions, plant seeds, influence decisions, pass laws, introduce ideologies, bribe and blackmail others, cause division and polarisation, instigate conflicts, and start wars if need be. The U.S. Congress today is a perfect example of a legislative body that has been infiltrated and corrupted on the highest levels of governance and leadership. 

Hidden in the shadows, the power of the Banker and Merchant Class remained intact because the aristocrats, politicians and leaders in the public eye were the convenient fall-guys and scapegoats should any of their devious activities have been revealed. An enemy cannot be named nor blamed if it remains unseen in the shadows while carrying out its evil plan with stealth, patience and resilience. The very same playbook is played out to this day. Our world is governed in corporate boardrooms and not in parliament buildings.

The greedy European financiers, bankers, royalty, aristocracy, and merchants invested in the devilish colonial plan to occupy foreign lands rich in natural resources, a plan that disregarded the rights of indigenous peoples inhabiting those lands. Joint-stock companies were formed to finance their vision of colonialism and expansionism that rewarded them with exponential wealth, which in turn, gave these inferior men driven by super-sized egos, great influence and admiration within the higher-echelons of society. Such a company was the Virginia Company of London, a joint-stock company chartered by King James I of England in 1606. The company's charter from King James I gave it the right to settle and govern a vast area of land between present-day North Carolina and New York, with the expectation that it would return a profit to its investors. Isn't that pure, unadulterated theft? What an impeccable example of white supremacy and vile greed!

The Banker and Merchant Class had the power to overthrow governments and ruling aristocracy. To maintain their power as a minority, it was absolutely essential to keep the masses subservient and powerless by having them suffer hardship, poverty, death, and disease, which were all circumstances that paved the way for the emigration of Europeans from the lower classes and peasantry to the new world, including Jamestown, Virginia. The first stage of colonialism was the occupation and settlement of self-governing civilians, including women and children. If they survived, the natural expansion of the settlements was assured through the birth of children, who then became natives by birthright. Jamestown Virginia in the 1600s is a great example of this expansion, and so is Israel. 

The emigration of Jews was absolutely essential to claim the right to foreign land in Palestine through the birthright of Jews on that land, which is why the Zionist movement also had financial benefactors like the Rothschilds, who invested in the passage and settlement of thousands of Jews in Arab Palestine. There was one major problem though, no one willingly leaves their homes and gives up their assets unless they are forced to, or their lives are threatened, or they are struggling to survive, which is why it was necessary to ensure that masses of Jews willingly immigrated to Palestine. The Zionists have always used Judaism as a facade, and chose Palestine as the promised land mentioned in religious scriptures that were interpreted by man, written by man, and spoke of Jews as their God's chosen people. Our history books are filled with the massacres of religious peoples by religious peoples in the name of their God and their religious dogma, so using Judaism to ignite such religious fervour and self-righteousness drenched in religious practices based on the victimisation of Jewish persecution was a perfect plan, and so the pogroms began. 

What I find extremely interesting is that the systematic persecution of Jews with the surge of pogroms from the 1880s were initiated and condoned by the governing authorities and government officials in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Germany. Could it be, that the Banker and Merchant Class agents had infiltrated various government levels in Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Germany, and through skilful propagation, were able to instigate pogroms that only targeted Jews, and would result in the first Alijah to Palestine? I don't believe in coincidences! Nothing is random! I believe that along with the skilful propagation of a religious narrative claiming Palestine to be THE promised land, the pogroms were an essential part of the Zionist initiative to coerce Jews into willingly immigrating to Palestine, an Arabic land that was mostly rural with small villages and towns dotting the countryside. Of course, heart-centred Palestinians opened their arms to the poor, persecuted Jews, until they realised that there was never an intention to stop the influx of Jews, who were systematically taking over their land.  

By the way, did you know that the Zionists had a Haavara (transfer) agreement with Nazi Germany, whereby approximately 50.000 Jews were given passage to Palestine, but not before transferring their money to the Jewish Colonial Trust, which was the Zionist movement's financial arm in Palestine, and would later become Leumi, Israel's national bank? Before safe passage to Palestine, Jews had to sell their assets to the Nazi Regime and purchase German-produced products that would be shipped to Palestine. I often wonder about the real role Zionists played in the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. Nowadays, it seems quite obvious that Zionists are more than willing to kill Jews and gentiles to ensure the evolution of their vision.

That ends the first part of this blog.

Click this link → Weaponised Dehumanisation - Part Two to continue with the second part.


Time is an invaluable asset. Thank you so much for sharing yours with me.

Kim.E xx


Artwork | Creative Writing + Editing | Recording + Editing: Kim.E - IsNotSo.com


This article serves the sole purpose of providing the reader with information without the intention to discriminate against, promote or influence the opinions of others.

Kim.E is an ordinary person with a personal opinion, and has written from her perspective and level of knowledge. She considers herself to be neither a professional nor an amateur in any field. This blog is for information purposes only.

Kim.E is not responsible for the accuracy of the information she has researched. It is the sole responsibility of every reader to pursue and explore their own channels of information to either confirm or reject what they have read.


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